Sunday, August 14, 2016

Hallway Reveal

Before I give you a tour of the new hallway,   I wanted to show you my latest project

Well,  maybe just one little peek at the!

Back to my project.....

 I did some window shopping over the week end and it seems that antlers will be trending again this fall,    I've always liked antlers so that's okay with me.    I saw a plain wood wildlife head with antlers at Kirklands and saw some possibilities.....

Maybe add a bird nest......some flowers,......a little bling......

and this is what I came up with.

Since my last update on the hall,   we added a vintage iron bed frame.   ( Just add a mattress in the middle of the hallway and we'll have another guest bedroom!!! )   I am determined not to fill the newly painted walls with nail holes,  so I tied the headboard to the white empty picture frame.  

H was able to attach the foot board to the opposite wall with two screws holes.

All my wall decor is either tied on the the window frames or hung from knobs or hooks    

I draped doilies over the window panes.....pinned bling to the doilies......

Nested wood blocks in the window frame.    It doesn't show very well  in the photo,  but the lettering on the blocks are mirrors/

I tied signs to the window......

Another tied sign and a large piece of crochet hung on the head board.

I have the other end of the hallway decorated simply since I will be decorating for fall soon....

A bust and floral design on the harp table can be easily removed for fall decor.....

I had crochet panels on each side of the mirror before,  but I decided not to put them back up.   

The etagere that was on this small wall between the bath room  and Ky's bedroom was moved to the family room.   I have this vignette here now, but may change it later.

H is going to put new ornate wide  baseboards in the hall like the ones he did in the bathroom remodel,  but that project is on hold for now.   His back is acting up again,   and installing baseboards will only make it worse!

Please visit my side bar to see "Where I Party"  and stop by and visit a few of these great blogs!


  1. Penny you are such a blessing to your readers. This is really a gift you have to come up with so many ideals. I still say there is a book in the making. What a joy it is to come to your post & see what you have come up with to make beautiful Yes I hope Mr. H. recover soon.

  2. I absolutely love your home, it's my style to a T and would give anything to start changing my home around. I have a husband who would probably go for it but he's a pack rat and we have a small house so I have to get some of his things stored away. I've been trying for 10 years now and counting. Where do you find your old windows and all the crochet things that are so beautiful. Obviously I don't crochet. I do have some ideas and that's a start. I love, love your ideas.

  3. Penny,
    LOVE it! The floors are stunning!!And I love the frames!! Great that you can hang things off of them and then change them. Fantastic idea. H definitely needs to rest his back. Take it from one who has dealt with back pain her whole life.
    We wanted to paint the upstairs hallway peach to match the LR but it is too hot here. The humidity is off the charts and we have had low's at night around 74!! Breaking all records. It might have to wait until next Spring.

  4. Awesome, Penny...your house is like a museum, very pretty. smiles

  5. Another delightful Monday to start the week with your charming innovations! What a lovely vista down that hall (except I didn't think of a mirror, and kept wondering how you got into that far room!). You have such an eye for pinks and whites and small tweaks and flourishes---just a magical glimpse of your home sets me up for the day, as I do my little doings around the house.

    Which, today, includes giving the simple little dining-table chandelier a good Windex-polish to be worthy of these new pale-pink linen shades that just arrived in the mail. New crystal bulbs and a leftover spool of lovely pink voile ribbon will make me feel as if I'm getting the "Penny Touch" on my own small scale.

    Girl, you DO beat ALL!


  6. Love your home Penny! Just beautiful!!

  7. Love your hallway and the bed is adorable! I love all the old windows and the crocheted items. I do have a tendency to hoard crocheted thing.

  8. So pretty, Penny, and the new floor looks great! I hope your hubby's back heals up quickly. Thanks for sharing and have a beautiful day.


  9. Your floors turned out wonderful perfect in your home. I love the hallway, so many pretty things that you have used to create wall hangings.

  10. Everything looks so great! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  11. Hi Penny!
    I don't decorate as often as you do but it's because I'm getting old and running out of steam! I always, always, always, see something you do that I love and try to find way to do in our home.
    Your sweet "H" is not well? I didn't know. I hope he is back up to par soon.
    Fall...yes. It's almost time to start bringing out the leaves. I love the change of seasons..I've already added a few new things..but very few.
    Can't wait to see what you do for Fall. When will you start??? I just MUST know! LOL

  12. This is a beautiful. You do a wonderful joy. Thanks for sharing with us all at Family Joy Blog Link Up Party. Hope to see you next week!

  13. Absolutely stunning hallway! Congratulations to both of you for all your hard work--now to rest for a little while..Hugs..

  14. You are always so busy Penny, I wish I had some of your energy and creativity! Thanks for sharing again this week at Celebrate Your Story. I'll be on the lookout for antlers when I'm out window shopping!

  15. How cute is that deer or moose silhouette! I love how you dressed him up! Thanks for sharing at Celebrate Your Story!

  16. Omgosh I love it all except the fake flowers and doilies it's just too much, but the ladder the frame the antlers look great

  17. I am so happy that I came to visit. Now I want to find an iron headboard. I have been wanting a creative way to display some of my quilts in the living-room. Your post is filled with wonderful creative inspiration. Thank you for sharing your talent with us :)

  18. Very dramatic! Thank you for sharing at Party in Your PJs!

  19. Your home is amazing! I love the way you mix masculine and feminine. :)

    Happy Thoughts of Home.

  20. You have done it again and wowed us with your projects.
    You have a lovely home:)

  21. Such lovely details in your creations, I always enjoy visiting your home.

  22. Love how the floors in your hall turned out. You have such lovely vintage details in your hall vignettes. Thank you for sharing at Snickerdoodle.

  23. I hope H's back feels better soon! I love how you've added rustic antlers to an ornate frame, so pretty! Thank you for sharing your hallway at Tuesdays with a Twist! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  24. I love the headboard display! Thanks for sharing @Vintage Charm!

  25. Your love and care for your home certainly shows. If I came by I would never sit down, just wander looking at the treasures. I hope Mr H. back improves soon.

  26. I might have said this before, but even though your style is not my own (I am modern/minimalist), I really appreciate how well put-together everything is - and we do have dear friends who decorate in this same style and I keep hoping they'll break down and get a computer (they're very off-the-grid) so I can share your lovely ideas with them! Thanks so much for joining us again at #FridayFrivolity!

  27. I am in love with the window frame on the wall!

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  28. Beautifully done Penny. This is a very clever way of adding lots of pretty decor while not filling the wall with holes. I am going to steal this idea for sure. I also like how you have added the crib and tied it to the frame. Now where is that mattress?

  29. Penny I'm popping over to let you know that you are featured today over at Sweet Inspiration. Come on over and get your feature button and congratulations.

  30. I think your hallway looks marvelous! And I especially love the deer head and antlers! You did a beautiful job!


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