Thursday, August 6, 2015


We are very water conscious here in Easter New Mexico and I try to keep that in mind when selecting landscape or bedding plants.  

 The outside of the circular drive in the front of our home is lined with ornamental pear tree's.    The center of the circular drive  is rock with two multi trunk oak tree's.....pretty boring with all that concrete and rock.   The only color  is in the back of the old pony buggy.

   We decided to add some color to the rocked area by adding some bushes that would not require a lot of water.

The Desert Willow is a popular plant in our area.     It has beautiful blooms and can be pruned as a  bush or a small tree.

I hope that our little bush will grow to be a gorgeous tree like this one in a nearby yard.

We planted two Crape on each side of the rocked area.    We plan to keep them pruned into small bushes.

I hope ours will be as pretty as this one in a nearby alley

We planted a Russian Sage on each side of the area and three Knock out rose bushes behind our Home sign.

See how pretty the Russian Sage and Desert Willow look growing in the same space.   It will be a few years before ours are this big!

I am not sure what the name of this bush is,  but I have always called it a Butterfly Bush.     H planted one on each side of the circle.

The Butterfly bushes can get pretty big,  but we will keep ours pruned down where you can still see the front porch.

Landscaping doesn't come as easy for me as decorating,  but I hope I have selected bushes with colors and textures that will compliment each other.  
 Now is a perfect time to add bushes to your yard as most of the nurseries are running great sales on their bigger  plants.


  1. We too, need to keep our landscape as water / drought friendly as possible her in Phoenix. I love the plants that you chose. I'm sure they will grow up to be lovely! I have mostly red bottle brush and red yucca in my back yard, not much in the front! Thanks for sharing these other drought tolerant ideas! Blessings, Cindy

  2. Same here in Utah. I'm always looking for great ideas. Thanks for sharing these great ideas.

  3. As far as the water situation is concerned..we follow the rules..the front of your home always looks beautiful! We just have stopped planting and are struggling to keep things alive. I never thought I would feel guilty if my lawn was green and my tree's and flowers looked fresh.

  4. it looks like once these are full grown they will fill in that area nicely and the colors will be terrific!

  5. Penny,
    Everything looks great!! Here in the Northeast, We never had to be conscious of water conservation. There is no shortage of rain here......


  6. We moved to a new home this year and the sun has burned up everything I planted inspite of the watering. We do have a beautiful crepe myrtle in our back yard but I am going to have to rethink the front and with the southern sun I am thinking some you have chosen might just be the ticket for us also. Thank you for sharing at Share It One MOre Time. Cathy

  7. What a beautiful landscape. I love Crepe Myrtles. Thank you for linking up on the #HomeMattersParty this week and I hope you will come back and share again.

  8. What a beautiful yard!! We're in Eastern AZ and have been blessed with a lot of rain here in the mountains lately, so there is so much growing in our hills! :) Always beautiful to look at!

  9. Love looking at your wonderful yard, so different from where I live in northern England which is cool and wet!

  10. Beautiful choices Penny, love the russian sage and those crepe myrtles!

  11. The flowers are so gorgeous! What a beautiful view. Thanks for sharing with us at Merry Monday:-)


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