Friday, January 22, 2016

H's Treasures

H and I were cleaning the garage today and I thought  "I don't know if I have ever done a post on my blog showing you some of H's treasures and his work area"   It's not as pretty as the inside of the house,   but it's a "real life" area that could be called H's man cave I!

Lets have a look around....

This china cabinet belonged to my grandmother....she bought it new in the late 50's.    She used it until she died,  then our son took it for a few years,  then we got it back about 10 years ago.    It is full of vintage railroad  items and H's collection of freight related items.   H was in the freight business for about 40 years until he retired.

He has his railroad caps and freight line ball caps hung around the top of the wall.   He also has a few hung on the antlers that you have seen many times in my "deer decor"    H has the big metal signs that hung on the front of some of the buildings he worked at.  (Apex and Rac)  
H has quite a few pieces of old Railroad dining car china....California poppy is one of my favorites..

H has picked up odd pieces as we've come across them...

This is a piece of vintage Santa Fe Railroad  dining car china.   The pattern is called Bleeding Blue,  and that's about all I know about the piece.

Railroad badges,  belt buckles,  a Santa Fe knife.....

Old Railroad lanterns....

Rusty metal bucket of  Railroad spikes 

I had this vintage railroad coal scoop on the top of the china hutch,  but couldn't get a good photo.   H got it down and put it on the drop leaf project table where  I could get a better picture.
H bought his Fire engine one year when we were on the Longest Yard Sale.    He bought it at a big school made from rock that had been turned into an antique mall......I think it was in Tennessee.

This is a 50's photo of my stepdad...Donnie.      My real dad died when I was 25,  and I had the pleasure of having Donnie for my dad the next 30 years of my life.
 Donnie served in the military fresh out of high school and then the only job he ever had until he retired was with the Railroad.   He was a conductor for the railroad for about 40 years.

I though you might enjoy looking at some of the books in this old Dr's bag....the cash books are from the 50's.

Donnie was meticulous with his journals entries ....every expense is carefully listed.   2 sandwiches....40 cents....2 pair of drawers (  a dollar....household expenses for July  $48.31.   There are tons of these journals in the old Dr's bag.

This area is where all the magic happens......this is where H has the tools that he uses all the time for our projects.   He also has a Tuff Shed in the backyard that holds some of his larger "toys".   The tower of cupboards on the far right hold mostly paint for all the painted furniture  projects that he is so sweet to do for me.   The totes that you see are full of "props" that I use to decorate with.....H is kind enough to let me store them in his area until I find room for them in the studio.    I will try to give you a tour of  the other side of the garage soon.....


  1. LOL, I assumed you had a huge BARN for all your goodies..., Fun railroad Items. My old antique mall where I had a shop---had several RR dealers..and the items were always interesting. Thanks for the visit -hubby is out in HIS garage right now, not anywhere as clean as this, though. Grins, Sandi

  2. Oh my....Are you my long lost twin? My husband has been in logistics for 30 years and he is a rail fan too! I wish my hubby's train room was as organized as your hubby's man cave.

  3. How many orginal and beautiful goodies! Happy week end

  4. Love it as always. Could H come help me get my mess straight? Enjoyed as always.

  5. Penny,
    So interesting especially the rail road items. You are lucky that H has his own hobbies. I always say that Joe's only hobby is me. He will now be retiring some time in September so I will have to give him some hobbies to keep him out of my hair!! LOL!! I always say that is why we are married for 37 years....because we have worked different shifts all those years...


  6. Your hubby has a very interesting garage! My oldest brother loved trains and he would have been right at home there.

  7. If you have company your hubs can always take the man out to look at his treasures. How nicely he has them organized and made use of old buffet/hutch. That sure got some good use out of it, going from family member to family member. My hubs has to have things all tidy in his storage shed he won't let me put anything in. that's his since we have so much in big shed.
    You're both busy kids aren't you? I figured you had a big shed or barn to keep all your goodies in. Loved the rail car dishes, great to have those.
    Better get laundry out of dryer, have great weekend Penny and hubs.

  8. Very interesting collections. And so neat and organized! I'm impressed. LOL


  9. He is as neat as a pin. His interests in the old railroad dishes is great! The California poppies china is wonderful.

  10. Penny, this reminded me so much of my father's collections. He collected train sets and old lanterns as well as other 'men' items. He and his father both worked for the CNR which was the Canadian National Railroad. Although my father left the CNR early on to go to college and studied to become an accountant. He would have been fascinated with your hubby's 'stuff' and the dishes too. He loved to collect things. Your hubby's garage is very neat and tidy and I really enjoyed having a look around. Thanks for sharing.


  11. Dear Penny:
    Everything is as neat as a pin! This is where the the Master Craftsman hangs out - so how wonderful! So glad you shared all these posts!

  12. Me H has a wonderful collection, I like the railroad lanterns and the books with old writing.
    Great post thanks for sharing Mr H's collection!

  13. How interesting! The dining car china is especially fascinating to me. Thanks for sharing his collection!

  14. Wow, you both have certainly quite an impressive collection! Thanks for joining us at Friday Frivolity and I hope to see you again this week!

  15. I really like the use of the china cabinet in the garage to display treasures. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Merry Monday.

  16. Ha! So nice to see the other side of things!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  17. wooow..they are indeed real treasures. I loveee all those vintage China..they are precious indeed :)


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