Monday, January 18, 2016

Three Tiered Claw Foot Table

I relocated a three tiered table from the studio to the kitchen in an effort to bring  a new look to the kitchen.

   Have you noticed that some of the vignette's around the house almost have a "springy" look to them?   It may still be cold outside,   but my creative juices are flowing spring!
I put my pink table in a little nook beside the refrigerator and the opening to the entry.

The left photo shows the white table that had been in the nook for a couple of years ............. right photo is the new table

top tier.......

middle tier

and third tier.

 ( I bet some of you wondered where my pig has gone when I showed you the "after Christmas" look on the kitchen counters and he wasn't

I couldn't resist sharing a few photo's that I took from the car as we drove off this morning.

We had a heavy fog early this morning,  then it cleared off and the skies are blue.

 The tree's branches have a covering of ice that really glistens in the sun.     The trees look so pretty with the blue skies behind them.  
 This is a photo of the trees in front of  a house across the street and down a few houses from ours.    The houses across the street have  acreages behind them and are zoned for animals....our home isn't or I would have some chickens!     Quite a few of the houses across the street  have horses in their back yard,  orchards,  and large gardens.

Mornings like this remind me why New Mexico is called The Land of Enchantment!

H brought in another three tiered table from the studio to put in the entry.

   It's a  mahogany Lyre tea  table with  claw feet and is three tiered too,  but the tiers are horizontal instead of vertical.....can't wait to show it to you!


  1. OH MY...Penny I didn't think you had a nook left to put anything in. Pink table is adorable--and I hate pink, lol. I know I sold a few of these when I had my shop---but they were so great for displaying I always put a big price on them. Fun to see all your snow gone---we are freezing here.. Sandi

  2. I think that beautiful pink 3 tier table looks perfect in its new spot!

    And you always have everything so adorably decorated, Penny!

    Well done, ma'am - can't wait to see the other one, too! Hugs! ♥

  3. Visiting you is better than browsing the best home magazine there is. A dear friend said something to me in an email about how much I have in my home..I almost sent her here to see yours. I get teased a lot and I don't really care. I love the's INTERESTING. Decorating eye candy and I love it. I like change..and I love seeing your beautiful and interesting changes to your home. OH..and the heart wreath..mercy! but I DO love that wreath! :) AND of course that adorable pig...perfect on the new pink table.

  4. OH..and I forgot to mention those beautiful tree's. AND..chickens. I would love to have a cute little chicken yard ( I keep looking at them.)and a couple of hens. I don't think we are zoned for animals either..but it's JUST birds for pete's sake. :)

  5. What a neat table! I could use one of them! I love hoar frost on winter mornings, it's such a fun thing to photograph too!!

    Thanks for sharing at Manic Monday Linky Party!

  6. While your style isn't mine I always enjoy seeing how you've decorated and styled things, have changed things around. You must have lots of energy to keep it all so nice. From your photos it looks like you live in a very pretty area, love the frost on trees. We get that alot here also. You have so much neat stuff and how you arrange it. I spend alot of time studying your photos so I don't miss an idea.
    Love that table, we had one in CA but it went way of too many things I had when we moved to MT from San Diego in 92. WE had lived in San Diego areas for 21 yrs. before we left. Talk about a culture shock but in MT we had 20 acres overlooking Canyon Ferry Lake out in country. After S.D. was so different but I loved it. We lived in MT for 7 yrs. then moved to KY for 5 yrs. then we moved here to western CO in 2004. Looks like we'll be here for rest of our lives now. Our youngest daughter/family live few miles to east of us in nice bedroom community. We have 1/2 acre and 5 chickens out in rural area up on a hill that affords us amazing views over the valley, love it out here. The CO river is 2 miles to south of us, runs along I-70. I don't like living in town after living in MT on those 20 acres. The peace and quiet is heaven. In Ky we had 1 1/2 acres out in country, oldest son bought place, completely redid house for us then sold it to us. What a difference in prices from KY to CO. Is ridiculously expensive here. I still miss our wonderful house in KY but the climate there was very hard on me. Son has moved back to San Diego so we'd be there alone if we hadn't moved away in 2004. Our grandsons live in another area in KY, oldest boy is in college in lexington, KY.
    Goodness where did that all come from. Have great rest of week.

  7. That pink 3 tier table looks perfect, small yet beautiful.

  8. So pretty and that pig is too cute!

  9. Love the table, and the pig! And you're right, the tree with ice all over is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing at Inspiration Thursday!

  10. New Mexico really is the Land of Enchantment. My husband took an artist workshop in Taos several years ago and the skies were amazing.

    Your pink table is lovely as are all the special pieces you have used to decorate - I love the pig.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  11. So pretty! I love looking at your romantic and feminine decor! Thank you for sharing this week on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)

  12. I like the 3 tiered table - it is so pretty and gives you display more depth.

  13. Penny, you have so many beautiful tables! I am pining for spring myself. Love the bird embroidery! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  14. What a pretty table & cute piggie! Thank you for sharing @Vintage Charm!


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