Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cherish Spring in all its Splendor

I did some spring decorating in the kitchen today.  
 As you can see in the photo,  the sun is streaming into the kitchen.   We have been in the high 60's the last 7 days and the 10 forecast is for more lovely weather.   I think spring has arrived in Eastern New Mexico!

When I decorate in the kitchen,  I usually do a section of the kitchen counter each day.

 This is day 1......

I found this Spring box at Joann's over the week end and fell in love with it.  

Cherish the Spring in all its Splendor..

I dug into my stash of linens and found a pretty spring tea towel....

Most of the big china plates you see me use belonged to my mother.....

My sweet little rabbits are from Home Goods.....

I put a foil rabbit couple on the mini buffet.....

This is the last bunny in a series of small vignettes on the kitchen counter.....

I'll be back later with day 2 of Easter in the Kitchen....

This is the view of the kitchen counter from the dining room.

  You can see the kitchen is just flooded with sun light....I love Spring!


  1. Penny you sure have been sharing alot of your mother's pretty things. I think you must be missing her. Love visiting your blog. It makes my day to see your pretty things.

  2. Penny when you reply back to me & said your mother didn't like shabby chic & pink I was surprise. Although she had so many beautiful pink china & lovely pink lamps. If she could only look down & see how pretty they look in your home I know she would be blessed. Your blog is the first thing I look for everyday. If you only knew how much you bless folks. It's a gift you have . Thank You & Mr. H for letting us enjoy your pretty rooms.

  3. I love the beautiful embroidered tea towel and how wonderful that you have your mother's plates.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  4. What a sweet introduction to Spring! Everything looks so sweet!


  5. I always love to see your pretty things. The bunnies are very cute.

  6. Good morning, Penny! Like another of your visitors, I also come here first thing, at least usually. I check my email and of course I have you there that makes it easy.
    I have never, ever seen a more interesting and charming home in the pastels. It overflows with personality. Were you the only girl your mother had? I have four daughters, so there are many places for my things to go..not to mention granddaughters. What is so neat, is that your things are so unusual. Many of them I've never seen before and all so artfully put together!
    You stick with a theme..and I am all over the place. I love getting my "adorable fix" here! :)

  7. Hello sun streaming into the kitchen.

    Hello beautiful hand painted plates.

    Hello sweet foil bunny.

    I'm in awe!!

  8. Penny,
    Those dishes are SO pretty!! You are so lucky that you and your Mother had the same style and that you have so many beautiful things that were hers. My Mother considered "old" things, nothing but old and not antique and did not like them. She liked everything brand new and threw out so many things that now when I think about it, I could cry...... I am so glad that she kept her bedroom set which is mine now and is now 80 years old. I will be painting it this Spring/Summer.
    Love the sign that you bought at Jo Ann's......

  9. So many pretties. I particularly like the teacup napkin rings in the crystal dish. Thank you for sharing your pretties at Vintage Charm. sb

  10. Your embroidered tea towel is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing at Your Inspired Design!

  11. Very pretty spring decorations Penny! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


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