Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Master Bathroom Makeover

One of the things that I like to do at the start of a new year is go on a tour of the house and look for things that are in need of repair or need to be replaced.     Other things I look for are....Is the decor outdated ......has it been the same way for several years.....or am I just tired of it!    
When I looked at the master bath,   I saw the walls were full of nail holes and could use a fresh coat of paint.   The walls  had never been textured,  so I think it would look great with some new paintable wallpaper like we hung in the guest bath last year.     The window needs something new......I think the blinds are original to the house.    I am also planning to replace the shower curtain.

    The mirrors were original to the house....probably about 30 years old,  so it was time to change those out!
I decided to use some mirrors that I already had.

  I bought the "new" mirrors in 2002 at Hobby Lobby on sale for $35 each.     I hung them in the master bath at the home we lived in at that time.   So,  14 years later they are back in my master bath  (only at a different house) !
Since the mirror frames are silver,   I decided to accessorize the vanity with some of my vintage silver pieces.    The soap dish is a repurposed silver butter dish. and  my vase is a silver champagne bucket.   Nothing like shopping the silver buffet for new items for the vanity.....lol!

I dug thru my stash of towels and found some with pretty green ferns .....Is anyone else tired of white snow and ready for some green plants?

I am already in a spring mood so added  a few touches of lavender too!

My new hand towel holders are  repurposed silver casserole dish holders    You know the ones I'm talking about.....you see them at lots of yards sales for a dollar because the glass dish has been broken.

To hang my silver casserole holders,   I tied wire between their two little feet.

I used silver napkin holders as hand towel holders......

Wire baskets that I "borrowed" from the laundry room hold extra bath towels.....

 I tucked some vintage silver hand mirrors  in the towels for some whimsy!

I swapped the aqua rugs for the white ones that were in the guest bath.     The guest bath is done in a nautical theme so I was able to use some of the decor that I took out of the master bath in the guest bath.

On the left you can see how the  mirrors looked in the formal living room before I moved them to the master bath.

On the right you can see the tea cup shelves that took their place.

Now that the new wall accessories are in place,  the holes not needed can be repaired.

THEN,   I am ready to hang the new wall paper!  

 I am so sorry for the difference in font size....I am trying to correct but my post is not co operating!



  1. Penny - Great job!! Love using all of the silver pieces.


  2. OMG! You are going to "wallpaper?" You smart girl! I love, love, love wallpaper..it just changes everything you have..makes everything look better..AND..those silver mirrors are just stunning! I do not think I have ever seen any I like better. You use things in such clever ways..and it's so much fun to see!
    And Penny...you sweet, sweet thing...thank you for missing me. Not the most exciting post but I had to do something. Thanks for not forgetting me.
    Big hugs!!

  3. I'm enjoying your use of silver! :-)

  4. Beautiful Penny. I love the mirrors. Nice job, again....Have a good Wednesday! Leticia

  5. Penny,
    Love the mirrors and the pieces of silver in the bathroom along with the greenery! It gives it a NeoClassical feel. Very elegant!!


  6. Penny, you have such a gift for decorating, adding the little touches of whimsy, love the use of the casserole holder for your towels, everything is wonderful and the mirrors are the best!!
    Thanks for sharing on Oh My Heartsie Girl

  7. Just beautiful! You are so creative! Great job! Love the silver towel holder!

  8. I love the tree mirrors and you did a great job as usual. The silver pieces look very elegant

  9. lovely room. Those beautiful mirrors make me wonder why builder's put the ugly large mirrors up and call it done.

  10. I love your mirrors. Great new look! Visiting from the blog hop……….Nice to meet you.

  11. Penny, this is so beautiful! I think it's my favorite makeover you've done to date. Thank you so much for stopping by Inspiration Thursday and sharing your bathroom update. Hope you have a great week!

  12. What an ingenious way to repurpose silver pieces! I never would have thought of that! I am really loving those mirrors though! They are just breathtaking! You did a fantastic job on your redo.

  13. Its gorgeous, a little too dressy but nevertheless beautiful because of all the repurposing that you did

  14. I found your post through the Artsy Fartsy link party. Wow, you are inspiring me to get my bathrooms (and house in order) Great makeover!

  15. It's fabulous that you're using mirrors that you already have, which are beautiful, by the way. And so CLEVER to use casserole holders as towel holders. Love it! Take care, Cynthia

  16. I really like the mirrors and plant gives a totally different feel.

  17. The new (to your current home) mirrorsare so lovely in your bathroom but my favorite thing that you did was to use your vintage silver in such unique ways. Love the silver casserole surround as a towel bar and excellent use of a champagne bucket to hold your fern. Pinned and tweeted. Thank you for sharing your beautiful bathroom at Vintage Charm and hope to see you back this week.

  18. Absolutely love your new master bathroom. Those mirrors are awesome. I will be featuring this tonight at my Winter Blues Wednesday party that opens at 8pm EST this evening. Please stop by and pick up an I've Been Featured Button. http://diybydesign.blogspot.com

  19. It looks so beautiful Penny! Thank you for sharing at THT.

  20. Penny, you are brilliant! What great ideas for re-doing your bathroom in your signature romantic style. I am particularly enamored with the way you used old casserole dishes as towel racks. So smart!

    Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party. Every blessing to you!

  21. You have to be one of the most creative bloggers on blogspot! I "LOVED" the original ideas you used to decorate your master bath! Good Job!!! Joined your group because I don't want to miss anything you do!

  22. Your master bath is awesome and you gave me some good ideas of how to use some things I have in our master bath. About this time of year I get very itchy to change things. Too soon for Spring things but can add some other items til spring. You are a fountain of ideas Penny as you snazzy up your already snazzied home. I love those 3 mirrors, they are gorgeous. fun to move them around aren't they?
    time for me to hit hit the hay, late for me to be up. Been trying to catch up on reading blog posts. Happy Valentine Day


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