Monday, February 8, 2016

Signature Style

I have a decorating style that has worked for me over the years and when I try to vary from it.....well,  sometimes it's a big flop!     Some might say I am in a "decorating rut" ..... I choose to define it as being comfortable with my style.     I have had readers tell me that they can pick out my signature style in a "line up"  of photo's!

I had a "flop" last week when I created a vignette on the bathroom vanity.    

The photo on the left is the vignette I created last week when I was putting together our master bathroom makeover.    After living with it a few days,  I realized that it was one of my "flops"
I took the greenery out of my champagne bucket and made a floral design using roses.....

Don't you love this sweet little pink can find them at Michael's.....

I have the master bath " basics"  done in  white....walls,  vanity,  flooring.    White works so well for me,  I can use accessories in any color.....

Have I mentioned that I like pink too?

I have chose to use pale greens and lavenders for spring touches in the master bath.....

I can't tell you how wonderful this candle smells.....just like a field of clover!

I am still working on the makeover.

 This weekend I took out the white bath mats and replaced them with pale green ones.

I replaced my plain jane shower curtain with a romantic ruffled one from Amazon,,,, just under $20.... tax and shipping included...delivered right to my door.

In the shower area,   I hung a lavender wreath and pale green and lavender towels.....

On the left is what I had in that area before....

I also changed the window treatment.....lot's of light comes thru that window and it was a challenge to get a good photo

I found this wrought iron piece in the spring section at Hobby Lobby.     I repurposed my trellis by asking H to cut the spikes off of the bottom and make a frame to do an inside mount in the bathroom window.   What are the odds that it would fit exactly.....I was sure I would need to do an outside!

Lots of glare from all the sunlight coming in,  but I hope you can see well enough to get the idea.
  I ordered an extra shower curtain for this side of the bath room.   There isn't a door,  so I keep a curtain to draw for privacy .

I am almost done with my master bath makeover.....still need to hang the wallpaper and tweak it just a little!


  1. Dear Penny:
    I always enjoy seeing what you create and you pull off original ideas - like the round doily over the towels which are great. Anyone one can copy but being original is a whole different thing. I do like the floral bouquet better. Another advantage to redecorating like you do is things stay very CLEAN because they get moved and changed. I just spent 8 hours cleaning today and had all the fun I can stand for one day. (Of course this is because we are still packing and getting the house ready to put up for sale)
    I don't like the old dark Victorian look anymore - I did keep some furniture natural wood but I prefer the shabby chic pieces. We just moved 1/2 of it and new dings and dents didn't even matter! Ha!

  2. Must say that both your vignettes look beautiful to me! I love your style. I keep things much simpler but only because I am completely lack the ability to come up with all these great ideas. I have to settle for coming over here to see all your beautiful creations once in a while. Thanks for sharing them with everyone.

  3. Thanks for sharing! I understand what you're talking about... I'll put something colorful in my house, bu then, it'll wear on me and I'll need to tone it down eventually. (Like my project I'm working on this week... I had colorful kitchen stools, but alas they're just too much color for me!) Liz

  4. Oh wow Penny, that is just beautiful!! I need you over here at my house decorating my master bath for me! I don't know if you read my post about my master bath, trying to make it more exciting and changing out the large mirror but I like how you used three mirrors. Very nice! Your towels are nice, the bouquet, the iron fence section looks marvelous! And to hear you say you're going to add wallpaper? I love wallpaper! Wow, I will be looking at this post again and again! Thanks for the inspiration and have a great day!

  5. Penny, I just love what you have done in your master bath! Love the ruffled curtain, the arrangement and the grate! All your little touches make it look very romantic. Thanks for sharing with us and enjoy your day.


  6. When you've found what you love and it works for you ... Keep it! Love the little owl in the arrangement. Beautiful post.

  7. Your romantic touches make always beautiful things! Everything is fairy

  8. I love the use of dollied over the towels, what a sweet romantic finish! Your vinegette is beautiful, love the owl!


  9. Penny,
    I liked both makeovers but I am partial to flowers so the second one does appeal to me more and I love your lavender and green accents because I also have those colors in my bathroom upstairs only a shade or two deeper.
    I love your style! I have found the same thing in that I know what style appeals to me do I stick to it!


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Wow! What a beautiful bathroom. Lovely! I am using it as a feature for next week's Let's Talk Vintage! (I'm doing the post early. :)

  12. Penny, The 'flop' was pretty, but the change is gorgeous! Your flower arrangement is spectacular! I love the little owl and your style! I'm delighted that you have shared with us at Brag About It! Have a lovely Valentine's Day!

  13. I just love all of it! Pink is my favorite too, and white is the best to work with. No flops just experiments!

  14. Wow...everything is so pretty! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  15. Dear Penny:
    Just letting you know that this post was one of the Special Featured ones on my blog post today from the Monday party! Thanks and congratulations. Happy Valentines Day Weekend!

  16. So, so lovely! Those mirrors are just fabulous!


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