Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ky's Bedroom Makeover Part 1

This is the bedroom that Kyleigh claims when she stays here ......which is about 3 days a week while her mom (a RN)  is saving lives in a helicopter..     Ky has her clothes in this room,   but sleeps with me......she plays in her playroom in the studio.....and plays on the computer in the family room.    SOOO,   she is very seldom in this room!

As you can see from the poor quality of the photo on the left,   a few years ( 3-4)  has passed since I have refreshed this room.   I like the quality of photo's that my phone takes and that's all I use now.

I styled the fireplace.........


Ky wanted to keep the ballerina theme,  so I am doing it in a little different way.

I had this chandy picture leftover from the bathroom remodel we did a while back................

Ky asked me to add some blue to the pink and white,  so I have started doing that.......

I have some of my mothers vintage ballerina's on the mantel

This one is on the other end of the mantel

I filled the existing empty frames on each side of the mantel with pink slippers.

There is  a memory board under the mantel for Ky to pin her treasures on..

Ky is still selecting treasures to put on the three tiered table next to the bed,  so it's not finished yet......

This is on the top shelf..... Ky's ballerina frog

Her frog is sitting on the vintage light fixture that was hung above the mantel before..(in the first photo)     I added some candles to the bulb fixtures  (not to be burned of course)  and set her frog on the fixture.

I've ordered new ruffled curtains that should be here Monday and I still have a few more touches to add to the bedding before I show you that.    The bedding is not new,   but I hope to give it a new feel with my touches.    The dresser is getting a new look as well as the opposite side of the bed.    

Please visit my side bar to see "Where I Party"  and stop by and visit a few of these great blogs!


  1. I love this look, so soft and feminine!

  2. Penny! Everything looks so lovely!! Love all the ballerinas !! My great niece Caitlin would love this room as she is a dancer and her group even got to visit and go back stage with the Rockets at Radio City Music Hall last Christmas!! She would never come out of this room!!! LOL!!

  3. I love the jewels you put on the ballerina slippers; what did they use to be? How old is Ky?

    1. The jewels on the slippers are large pins that I bought at Hobby Lobby a few years ago, but I think they still carry them back in the jewelry making dept. Ky is 9 going on! I better enjoy her frilly room while I can, because I think she'll have a lot more input the next time we do it! hugs....

  4. Great makeover! Saw it at Handmade Hangout Party. Here's what I shared there:

  5. Ohhhhh how pretty...Ky sure is lucky...I would def. choose that room as well...smiles

  6. Who does your dusting??? I absolutely LOVE your style and creative spirit, which I'd like to copy. However, my bubble bursts when I think about dusting it. Keep up the good work of inspiring us.

  7. It's so nice that she has a home away from home, right now my guest room has been taken over with Barbies. So I understand, and the Grand has a dresser top that is hers. Although they do seem to have a way of taking over an entire house...Pretty room, pretty post, lucky Girl!...Sandi

  8. Wow. Really lovely. I would know a room in your house any time I see it. You have a certain style that I don't think anyone can duplicate.

  9. Beautiful! You've just gone over the top with this! Thanks for sharing with us at Throwback Thursday!!


  10. Any girl would feel like a princess in a room like this. Thanks for sharing o #FridayFrivolity

  11. So sweet and just perfect for a princess. My granddaughters would be in heaven in Ky's room. Thank you for sharing Ky's room at Vintage Charm.

  12. I LOVE the addition of the pink! It really sets the whole room off! Thanks for sharing at the Family Joy Linkup!

  13. Such a sweet room, the ballerina touches are my favorite. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday!

  14. Your designs make me feel like I'm visiting a real life fairy tale! Beautiful job!


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