Sunday, July 24, 2016

Weekend Treasure Hunt

I found some cool things at the yard sales over the weekend.......took advantage of some end of summer sales.....and even found free items!

H picked this up for me at a sale where  he found some "guy things"      The lady took off a dollar on each item he bought,  so my scale was only $4

25th Anniversary plate and cake server.....$2

My metal pink pig watering can is from Kohls.....marked down to $12

I found a cute framed magnetic piece......

Here is a better photo of it.    Once it gets a shabby paint job,  it will fit in better!   It was toward the end of the day...everything was half my board was only $1.50

I thought this silver bowl would make the base for a yard art flower......

These faux onions look so real......$1.50 for the bunch

No plans for this piece yet,  but I do know it will get a new paint job

When we stopped to look thru the free pile at this yard sale,  I saw why no one had taken this chair yet.      The seat springs were touching the!     I thought it had good bones and at the very least I can use the springs for a project.

H went all over the chair making sure it was clean and bug smelled we loaded it up.      Any cloth items that we bring home have to pass the smell and clean test!

Please visit my side bar to see "Where I Party"  and stop by and visit a few of these great blogs!


  1. Penny,
    Great finds!! I always love seeing your weekend finds because you always find the best stuff!! Glad that you do not have the humidity that we have where you are. I do not do well in the Summer because of the heat and humidity. Last week, every joint in my body was swollen, I think. My arthritis really rears it's ugly head in the Summer for me......

  2. Hello, Penny! Your blog is beautiful and the greatest posts for me are about your weekend treasures hunt. Just love them!!!
    All the best from me,
    /from Bulgaria, Eastern Europe/

  3. Love the chair and the pig...smiles---free is always a good thing and my husband does the same thing...smiles

  4. You always find the best stuff! I think its time for a shopping expedition for me.
    :) gwingal

  5. Bonjour,

    De belles découvertes...
    Gros bisous

  6. Some great finds! Would love to see what you do with that chair!! Thanks for linking to A Round Tuit. Hope you have a lovely week!

  7. You could have fooled me I thought the onions were real! Once again great finds and thanks for sharing your links at Celebrate Your Story.

  8. Okay, I thought the onions were real too! After seeing all your great finds, I think I need to visit a few yard sales. We traveled through update New York on our way to Niagara Falls a few years ago and I wanted to stop at every yard sale I saw. I just new I was passing up a major find! Have a great rest of the week!
    Blessings from Lynda at Still Woods Farmhouse

  9. What neat finds! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  10. Fun finds! That chair is pretty neat looking! I do the smell and clean test too. LOL!

  11. Hi Penny, I'm Anne from Birdsong Bits and Pieces (, and I found you through the Shabbilicious Friday blog hop. I lovvvvvvve yard sale-ing! You got some cute finds. I especially love the magnet board, and even the chair! Have a great day!

  12. I thought the pig was my favorite of your finds until I saw that chair.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  13. Those onions are amazing!!! I would love those and the cute piggy in my home. :) Thank you for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty

  14. I love seeing your treasures.
    That chair has great possibilities!
    Thank you for sharing this with us at Thoughts of Home.

  15. Oh Wow, you were so lucky finding all these great treasures, I love that chair, so many possibilities! Have fun with all of the items!

  16. It will be so much fun to see what you do with your finds! Thanks for sharing with us at Throwback Thursday!!


  17. Great finds! I have a scale that looks almost exactly like that, passed down from my great grandmother. It's sitting on top of my piano. I love it :) Treasure hunts are so much fun! Hope to see you back this week at Dishing It & Digging It!

  18. Gorgeous pieces - I just love the piggy watering can, it's so adorable! Thanks so much for sharing over at #FridayFrivolity :)

  19. Those faux onions look so real and I love the pink pig watering can. You had a good week of picking. Thank you for sharing at Vintage Charm.


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