Monday, May 1, 2017

Junk Garden

It's hard to believe that we had snow Saturday here in Eastern New Mexico.....this has been one crazy spring!    80 degrees one day and snow the next.      We had to put all the hanging baskets in the green house over the week end to protect them from the cold,    

After being cooped up all week end,  I was eager to get out in the back yard today and play in the garden.

H and I worked in the flower beds that run across the front of the sun room.

When I created a new vignette on the mantel in the family room,  I took down the piece of windmill that had been there several months.     As I give you a tour of the flower beds,   you will notice that I use all kinds of  "junk" pieces as decor in my flower beds.

I tried my windmill in several places around the yard......

and it finally found a home on the white wicker settee.   
Since the wicker settee seat is missing,   some might call it a piece of junk......I see it as a planter for my windmill and flower baskets.

I "planted"  the  wicker seat with three baskets of flowers......

Then I stuck several pieces of metal art in my flower baskets.

This angle of the yard shows the flower bed on the front of the greenhouse on the right side of the photo....and the flower beds on  the east side of the back yard  (against the fence)   

The pale green baby crib ends are a new addition to the flower bed.     I bought them at a yard sale a few weeks ago for $10 and they were already painted just the perfect shade of green.....another trash to treasure !

I haven't had a chance to plant the black metal flower boxes above the crib ends,   so they are filled with faux flowers for now.

The roses bushes are full of buds and a few blooms.....and the petunia baskets are full of pretty pink blossoms.

I need to get out in the morning and cut a fresh bouquet for the house.

From this camera angle,   you can see the studio in the back ground.    I have repurosed  metal head and foot boards to create a border around the flower beds on that side of the yard.

There is a pretty hanging basket of flowers on each side of the porch......

I have  big pots of boxwood on each side of the porch steps    H made our back porch several years ago by repurposing a head and foot board to make the "rails"  for our porch.    

I saw on the 10 day forecast that we are going to have gorgeous weather for a while.....hopefully no more "snow surprises"!    


  1. You have as much fun outside your house as you do inside, Penny. I love how you love creating things and making them fun. Hope you have a wonderful week. Our weather is crazy here, too- xo Diana

  2. The crib use was genius. I love the interest and journey you provide throughout your garden. Looks like you have plenty of blooms and they survived the snow! Thank you for sharing it at TADA! Thursdays

  3. We are drowning up here in the Midwest. 5 days non stop rain with over 4 inches in one day. Flooding all over. No gardening for me. Spring will settle in eventually. As they say "One man's junk is another man's treasure" or something like that. I love the windmill blades-is that how they came? I would paint them with chalkboard paint and write something garden themed on them. I think it's awesome that it all didn't end up in the landfill. Bits and pieces can be great when artfully placed. I enjoyed your tour.

  4. The weather has been crazy here al well. Same as you, we had freezing temps last week and it is supposed to be in the mid 80s later this week! I'm itching to get some beautiful flowers planted, but don't dare until after Mother's Day! Then, perhaps, I can start to dig in the dirt! Everything in your yard is so whimsical and fun!

  5. Everything looks so green and fresh! The snow didn't kill the blooms on your flowers. They're lovely! I like your "junk"/garden sculptures.

  6. Penny,
    Your yard is simply stunning!! From the flowers to all your beautiful accents to the way the back of your home looks!! Gorgeous!! We had unseasonable warm temps here last week with high's i the 80's, making it the warmest April on record here. However, we will be back to normal and even below normal temps.for the next 2 weeks. So again, another year that I will be waiting to plant my annuals until the threat of frost is over.At this point, I may not be able to plant until close to Memorial Day!!

  7. I find something that I want to copy every single time that I visit your blog. This time it is the iron headboard and footboard as a fence, AND the wood headboard as hand rails on the steps. So cool!
    :) gwingal

  8. I love your garden. So bright and pretty. The roses are gorgeous.

  9. Un jardín muy hermoso, por acá en C.R. el clima ha estado muy variado y un calor sofocante...estamos en transición hacia el invierno...bueno eso es lo que se dice...

  10. Your garden is so gorgeous!! I can imagine relaxing in it and waiting for someone to bring me some sweet tea and molasses cookies! *sigh*

  11. Such a beautiful garden. Looking forward to warmer temps here in the mid-west so I can get outside and play in the dirt. Thanks for sharing this with us at the Waste Not Wednesday link party.

  12. Your garden is such beautiful and very relaxing. You' ve got a gorgeous outdoor space
    Hugs Alessandra

  13. I love your "junk" garden. Everything is so colorful and fun.

  14. It can be fun to have a few unexpected items in the garden as accents. :) Those windmill blades are fun.

  15. Again, this one as the other one looks so pretty and I'm wondering how you keep it so neat and clean if it rains where you live. Thank you for attending the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty. I shared your post.

  16. Looks like the weather is crazy all over! One day we have to turn on the fan the next day the heater. Your garden is beautiful and I love how you find a creative use for so many things. Thank you for sharing with us this week at Celebrate Your Story, and I hope your week is going great.

  17. Such great stuff! I love the windmill and I think the flowers in the wicker settee is genius! Your flowers are gorgeous, too:) Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

  18. Lovely flower gardens! I love the use of the settee. Thank you for sharing at Ravenwould.

  19. Your garden is stunning and I love your flowers and all the little unique touches

  20. I love your junk garden that is anything but junky! :)

    Thanks for sharing this on the Farmhouse Friday link party! :)


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