Thursday, May 18, 2017

Vignette's on the Porch

I created a couple of fun vignette's on the front porch this morning.    

 I scattered a few touches of  red,  white and blue around the porch  since Memorial Day is just a couple of weeks away.

The first vignette was created by using a variety of fun and unusual items....a rusty Dr's scale is the centerpiece of this vignette

H and I had drove to Plainview Texas yesterday to visit some of the antique shops that we like.    I found a couple of things and H found an old crusty rusty Doctors scale for $26   (and it still works)    He had tried to buy one at the auction last summer but it went for over $100....a little rich for his blood.      Anyway ......H saw a scale and I saw a planter for the front!

Here's how it looks without all the plants on it.


I have a large fern planted in a rusty metal bucket.......a squirrel playing on a green wicker stool.....several colorful baskets of flowers......

a pot of blue flowers and more squirrels......

 Welcome to Our Home angle is hung on a rusty easel......

And a sandwich sign made from vintage foot boards completes the vignette.  

 I don't know if my door wreath is part of this vignette or the one next to the door.....but it all goes together to make one big vignette!

All I did to the front door wreath was add a couple of flags to it.......

The next vignette I created is on the piece  next to the front door.     It's a piece that H made me by marrying  a vintage vanity,  a mirror frame,  and a few odds and ends.....I guess you could call it a buffet?

My white ceramic cats found a home on the "buffet"

I took this mirror down from a wall in the master bedroom months ago,   and it has been propped up against the wall in one of the guest bedrooms.       I decided it might be just the piece I needed on this small wall on the front porch.   Glad to have it hung and out of the! 

I made this shabby flag last year is the link to that post if you want to see more.....

If anyone needs some large ferns at a good price ......Lowe's had these gorgeous ferns for $12 yesterday.      I have found that Boston ferns give my garden the biggest bang for the buck 


  1. You never cease to amaze me, Penny. It is beautiful!

  2. Everything is very pretty. I especially love the shabby flag you made last year
    Hugs Alessandra

  3. Your porch is inviting and beautiful! I love the dr.'s scale - so clever! Lots of ideas here to try. Thanks for a great post!

  4. Great fun! Thanks for sharing at the Pleasures of the NW's DIY Party!

  5. Penny,
    I was just going to ask if your ferns are real or not but you answered my questions. They are stunning but I m not sure that they would grow well here. Your porch always amazes me!! I wish I had a covered porch so I could decorate more like you do but ours is exposed to the elements. Love the patriotic touches....

  6. I always love seeing how you will decorate. The love that the flag is there. Always perfect and needed for Memorial day
    come see us at

  7. Ohhh... It's so beautiful and romantic. You are always so inventive
    Hugs Alessandra

  8. Your porch looks absolutely beautiful, Penny! It's an explosion of awesomeness. Thanks so much for sharing at this week's Project Inspire{d}.

  9. You might have more stuff on your porch than I have in my entire house! I love it! I love that the scale is a planter-everytime we see something old I say "ohhh that would be a GREAT planter" and my husband rolls his eyes. HA! Thanks for linking to the Friday Frenzy!

  10. What a beautiful display, so lush with all the plants! It's perfect for Memorial Day!

  11. Your porch is beautiful and thanks for sharing at C&C with J&J.

  12. Your porch is gorgeous Penny so many pretty touches love your "buffet"

  13. Love the vintage doctor's scale and how you are using it. Thank you for sharing at the Snickerdoodle Create~Bake~Make link party!

  14. I love the antiqued look of the flags you added to your wreath. Those ferns are gorgeous! You must have a very green thumb and just the right climate for them! Thanks for sharing at Celebrate Your Story!

  15. So unique pieces on your gorgeous porch. Thanks for sharing at the Monday Funday Link Party. - Emily

  16. I adore the white ceramic cats? I wonder how old they are, they wonderful pieces. I love snooping around your blog, so many little things to look at not to mention the gorgeous healthy plant life. Thanks for the tour.

  17. Gorgeous. Let me know too if you are ever interested in guest posting on my site. We have similar repurposing hearts :)

    Thanks for linking up to #wasternotwednesday


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