Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Windmill Blade Planter and Billy the Kid

H and I took a drive over to Fort Sumner New Mexico this's a little town about 60 miles from where we live.   There is a windmill repair shop over there that I wanted to go by and maybe purchase a piece of windmill for the yard.  

Of course leave it to me to forget to take photo of the windmill repair shop,  but I did get a photo of the little coffee shop/ gift shop/  restaurant/  and windmill repair shop office  that his wife has across the!

The windmill blade planters that were in front of the shop were custom made by her husband.    I loved how he curled the blades to make the pot part of the planter.

The base of the planter is a old windmill hub.    See the three windmill blades about half way down the sidewalk?

Those came home with me......   What is that behind them you!

It's a rusty crusty half of a 55 gallon barrel that I bought at a different shop.

and behind the 55 gallon barrel is a piece of a large seed planter that you would pull behind a horse .....

You can't leave Fort Sumner without dropping by the Billy the Kid Museum.

Maybe you have already seen it on ABC Prime Time Live......

It has lots of run stuff outside and this old cannon

A short drive from the museum is Billy's grave.....

Here's his tombstone.     (That's a large cactus plant behind the stone in bloom)

Billy's headstone had been stolen a couple of times,  but is back where it belongs now!

I saw some cute cows on the drive out to the cemetery......

This cute cow couple is made from old propane tanks.    They are on a board with sides to keep them from rolling around!  

 If you would like to see more of the sweet little over to their web page.......


  1. It's been along time since I've had a little day adventure like that. It all sounds so nice. I miss those times. It will be interesting to see what you do with your finds. Isn't it nice to have a mate that likes to do the same things you do? :)

  2. Can't wait to see what you do with your treasures!

  3. So much fun! Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures
    Hugs Alessandra

  4. Penny,
    Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful town with us. Loved everything you shared about Billy the Kid!! We don't see towns like this here in the east so I really enjoyed this post!!
    Looking forward to seeing what you do with your new treasures..

  5. The windmill blades are intriguing in the pot-plant. I wonder what you will do with yours.
    Blogger's Pit Stop


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