Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Christmas Mason Jars

I created some Christmas Mason jars today to use in vignettes on the kitchen counters.     I have them all gathered up in one location to make it easier to take photo's,   but later I will spread them around the kitchen.

I filled my jars with roses and babies breath after I finished decorating them........don't you love the duck with a Christmas wreath in his mouth!

I hot glued some Christmas printables from the web on to Mason jars.    I thought about decoupaging them on,   but I wanted the prints to be easily removed so I could still use my jars for other projects after Christmas.

I am spending a lot more of my time this holiday season creating homemade decor for our home.....

I decorated 6 jars so I would have plenty on hand when I start creating my Christmas vignettes on the kitchen counters......

Did you notice the sweet goat also has a Christmas wreath in his mouth?

While I was working on my jars,    H was busy in the back yard.    I don't think it's as much fun to clean the yard in the fall as it is in the spring!     Anyway,   he came in carrying a handful of roses from our garden.........

A couple of them had some frost damage on them,   but I think that just adds to their beauty.    H said this is the very last of them for this season........

The grands will be by later this evening to trick or treat .......can't wait to see their costumes!      Our 10 year old grand daughter is coming as Minnie Mouse......and her partner will be our great grandsons first Halloween!    He's going to be Mickey Mouse!


  1. Penny, I love your pretty kitchen. The jars with roses and baby's breath is very beautiful. Blessings, enjoy your trick or treaters. xoxo, Susie

  2. The mason jars are looking fabulous!!

  3. Those mason jars are fantastic. Very, very feminine and so pretty. They are beautiful! xo Diana

  4. What paper did you use to put on the mason jars?

  5. How I love your sweet, wreath holding animal pics! Your jars look so professional! The tree in the kitchen! And a husband who brings in the last of the roses! Ahhh, I just love visiting with you! Happy Day of the Dead, or All Souls Day! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Now you have really done it. You created some magic out of my beloved mason jars. This one I may do.

  7. Love this idea Penny and will be doing my own version with my mason jars. Found you on Blogging Grandmothers Link party.

  8. Just beautiful. Thanks for sharing on #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty.

  9. I love your christmas jars. I have many jars that I decorate as well. Now I want a Christmas one as well
    come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  10. Hopping over from Blogging Grandmothers... I love your pretty jars and the critters holding Christmas wreaths are very charming, too! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    pin and FB Share

  11. I fell in love with Your Christmas jars.
    Hugs Alessandra

  12. The duck is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing on Friday Frenzy! Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck - Colleen

  13. I love your mason jars and the way you have decorated them.Beautiful!

  14. Penny, your jars are beautiful and would make such great gifts for neighbors or friends. Would you mind sharing where you found the photos you used? Which website?

  15. These are so lovely, Penny! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! Pinning!

  16. I love your beautiful mason jars decorated for Christmas Penny! Thanks for sharing at C&C with J&J!

  17. Loving these vintage-inspired Christmas mason jars. Such a creative way to use mason jars in your home decor. Love it!

  18. I love the mason jars! I need to learn how to do the printables so I can do these. I have never tried that!


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