Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Decorating with Tumbleweeds

I live in the southwest.......and tumbleweeds are a common sight in this part of the country.      We see them blowing down the road,   caught up in barbed wire fences,    and trapped in corners.

I decided to "capture" a few tumbleweeds and give them a makeover.        I am calling my creations "tumbleweed trees"!     With H's help,  I was able to make a tree for each side of the fireplace that's on our front porch. 

If you've never heard the song Tumbling Tumbleweeds,   just google it and you can pick your favorite country western singer and let them sing it for you.     Gene Autry,   Roy Rogers,   Sons of the Pioneers,  John Denver....take your pick!

Tumbleweeds are green all summer long,   then when it gets cold they dry out and look like this.      The root system eventually breaks off and they blow down the road til they get caught in a fence or corner.

I needed a tree to put my tumbleweed on and I decided to use some of the ficas tree forms I had on hand.    I bought 10 of these trees at a yard sale for $5 each last year.      H pulled all the green leaf branches off and I saved them in a garbage bag in case I want to put them back on.    I forgot to take a photo of the bare tree,  but use your imagination.


On the left is a tumbleweed caught on a barbed wire fence........on the right is my tumbleweed tree.

The stem of the tumbleweed is wired to the tree trunk to keep it from blowing off.     

Another way to decorate with tumbleweeds is to stack them and make a Southwest Christmas tree.....

Add some lights and Christmas ornaments......

How about a Tumbleweed chandelier. 
 I saw a 36" wide one on Etsy for $500.     One mans trash is another mans treasure!

They can easily be spray painted to match your decor.

You can see in the background that I have started decorating the fireplace mantel on the porch.    I hope to be back soon with a post sharing our porch decorated for fall!


  1. Penny, You have an eye for decorating....I can not believe the tumbleweed decorating. Those trees look fun. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. LOL- What fun- We have never seen a tumbleweed in the midwest. xo Diana

  3. I like the tumbleweed Christmas tree. It's what snoopy's brother would have in the desert. haha

  4. The tumbleweed Xmas tree is very original. Thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas
    Hugs Alessandra

  5. These are great ideas! I used to live in Chandler, AZ and they put up a large tumbleweed Christmas tree in the center of downtown each year. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Well, we sure don't have tumbleweeds up here in Maine. Although we do have Christmas trees built of the new metal lobster traps with lights! Loved the spray painted ones and the Christmas tree best! I would love to see one in gold, too!

  7. That is so cool! I had no idea they were used in decorating, but I love it!
    :) gwingal

  8. Great idea! Love the chandelier and Christmas trees, too. I have seen snowmen made from tumbleweeds!

  9. Penny,
    I am always impressed when you share tumbleweeds with us!! We do not have them here in the NEPA so I really enjoyed seeing them!!

  10. Love your ideas for decorating with tumbleweed! When I read the Little House on the Prairie series the tumbleweed Christmas tree made a big impression. So much that when a rare tumbleweed skittered down the alley one November day, I made my little brother chase it down. My mother was VERY reluctant but I begged so hard for the "History Lesson" that she let us "for a few days". A neighbor lady saw it and forever after bought our family a proper Christmas tree. My little sister is still traumatized by the year with a weed tree --but I think it was great. Your painted tumbleweeds are much more elegant! I'll be watching for another tumbleweed to skitter by to give them a try. Thanks for sharing!!

  11. You are like Lady Bird Johnson was, making America beautiful! That was a clever idea and it turned out really cool. HPS and thanks for sharing.

  12. Decorating with tumbleweeds is a new concept for me! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  13. Your outdoor space is divine. I think if I were to visit your home I would feel as if I am living in a storybox.

  14. They are gorgeous Penny. Such a unique idea.

  15. I love the Tumbleweed Christmas Tree. What an amazing idea. Thanks for sharing on Sunday's Best.

  16. Tumbleweeds for décor, who would have thought. Thank you for showing all the fantastic ways to make tumbleweeds pretty. Thank you for sharing at Snickerdoodle. Pinning


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