Sunday, November 26, 2017

Pink Pine Cones

I have the family room all decked out for Christmas this year  in pink and blue     I thought it would be fun to paint some of my pine cones pink and add them to the wreath I planned to put on the mantel.

Since it's such a messy project,  H volunteered to dip the pine cones in the paint....thank you honey.       He  used  Behr paint that was already on hand to dip the pine cones in.....Powdered Blush is the color.      

He screwed a cup hook in each pine cone,   then dipped it in a cup filled with pink paint.    Keep a stick handy to poke the pine cone down in the paint as it wants to float to the top until it gets loaded with paint. .

He set the boxes of dipped pine cones out in the sun to help speed up the drying process.    I let mine dry a couple of days since the paint was applied pretty heavy.    You can thin the paint down a bit with water if you don't want a real heavy coat on your pine cones.

I had bought a basic wreath at Michaels to add my pine cones to.    

I added some eucalyptus to the top of the wreath.

I made a simple pink bow and attached it to the top of the  wreath.

I tied a strip of fabric to the cup hook where it met the pine cone.

I positioned the pine cone where I wanted it to be on the wreath......

Then I just pulled the fabric strips thru and tied them to the wreath.

Here's how the back of the wreath looked when I finished tying the pink pine cones to it.

I really like the pink pine cones......maybe H would like to dip some in blue paint!

While H was dipping pine cones,   our little Kyleigh was working on the mounds of leaves we have around the yard.     

When I took her picture,   she asked me why I wasn't in the house working on my own project!     Better get back to work before her and Papa gang up on!

Can't wait to show you how my wreath looks on the family room mantel!


  1. What a great little helper raking leaves. I love the wreath so far...I have been picking up my pine cones too...saving them to make ornaments. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. These pine cones are so feminine and pretty. I love how we have progressed from the traditional red and green Christmas colors to anything goes. What a lovely wreath.

  3. I love your pink pine cones! Makes a beautiful wreath.
    :) gwingal

  4. Just lovely.... the pinecones look dreamy! And, I love the "Help"... cute little girl. Have a good day! Leticia

  5. Gorgeous! My favorite color!!! Messy, yes, but totally worth the end result!!!!!!!! I NEVER would have thought to use a cup hook like that to hang them to dry! What a great idea!!! I'm pinning away!!!

  6. I love that wreath; what a great idea to paint the pine cones to go along with your decor.

  7. Your punk pone cones are awesome
    Hugs Alessandra

  8. Your pink pine cones are awesome
    Hugs Alessandra

  9. You are so creative. I imagine you must have a huge storage bin for all of your projects.

  10. I never would have thought of pink for Christmas- but it looks lovey and festive and so dainty

  11. Beautiful - it looks so soft and delicate! You can keep it up long after the holidays.

  12. Your wreath is so beautiful! Love it

  13. Penny,
    I love this idea!! I bought a bag of white pine cones at Michael's that I might play with..

  14. Pink pinecones--awesome! Thanks for sharing at Party in Your PJs.

  15. I love how you incorporate pink into your decor - it is so you and what a cute garden help you have

  16. Lovely family raking leaves and helping you with craft projects. Your wreath turned out gorgeous the pink pinecones make all the difference. I love how feminine it is.

  17. This lovely post is a HOME feature on the January You're the STAR blog hop:


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