Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Cabbages in a Metal Tire Swing and Pastel Carrots


I have a metal tire swing hanging over the pass thru between the kitchen and the family dining room.     I couldn't wait to take out the winter floral design I had in it and create a new spring design.     

I have a pink cabbage,  a green cabbage and lots of greenery in the tire swing that faces the dining room.

I have a big green cabbage on the side that faces the kitchen.

I have the pass thru cleared off for a change.     It's usually full of some sort of seasonal decor,   but I am keeping it empty for a while.

Well,  almost empty.....lol!      I do have a small vignette on it!

I have a carrot garland hung with/ under the tire swing.


The carrots had to have a makeover to fit in with my colors!     I bought a pre made garland of carrots from Hobby Lobby,   a bundle of 3 carrots at Hobby Lobby ,    and a bundle of cloth carrots at Home Goods.     I took the bundles apart and gave each carrot a makeover.....but that's another post!  

Today,    my post is just about the pre made garland of carrots.

The make over was pretty simple,     I just wrapped each carrot in fabric.........

I hot glued the fabric together at the seam ,,,,,,,,,tied a thin strip of fabric around the bottom of the carrot........

Then,   I tied a thin strip of fabric at the top of the carrot!

I tied small strips of fabric on the rope between the carrots......

I used four different  kinds of fabric scraps I had on hand to cover my carrots......it doesn't take much fabric to cover them.

Not to change the subject,  but.......do you see the prints I have on the refrigerator.      When the kids were gone,   I quit putting stuff on the refrigerator.      I kinda like to now though!

Here's one of the prints I have on the fridge.......

This list keeps me focused on what I need to do to get the house cleaned for spring.

I think both of these are on my Pinterest account      Here's a link to my Print It board.......https://www.pinterest.com/penny2005/print-it/

Okay,   back to my fabric covered carrots.

This is a fun easy project that you can do while you are watching TV.

What's next on my project list?

I can't wait to show you the spring tablescape I created using the 6 bigger carrots !     See you soon.......     


  1. Well, aren't those carrots cute?!!! Just darling. I love the decorative cabbages,too. My spring/summer stuff is all packed away in a warehouse (darn it). xo Diana

  2. I love the carrot makeover. Just perfect for your home. Where did you find the pink and green cabbages? I've never seen faux cabbage before.

  3. I just LOVE your metal tire swing so much!
    Karen B.

  4. I always love seeing what you have done in you beautiful home. Love that pink cabbage! I have decided I am not a strictly farmhouse girl caz I love color and frou frou; your combination of Romantic, farmhouse, and shabby chic about sums me up!

  5. How cute! Before today I'd never seen a metal tire and today I've seen two! Your arrangement is darling. Thank you for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  6. You are inique!!! The makeover of the carrots is fantastic

  7. Such a perfect setting for an Easter Brunch! I love the metal tire swing that is so unique and that sweet little carrot garland is perfect!

  8. Love your carrot garland. Only you would think of hanging a tire in your kitchen. You are all set for Easter. Looks lovely.
    Thanks for sharing at Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop.

  9. Such a cute carrot garland, I love how you made it your own! thank you for sharing with us at Create and Celebrate!

  10. Penny,
    Love how you re=did the carrot garland to fit your colors and decor!! Brilliant!! Love that tire and those cabbages are adorable!!!

  11. You share the most lovely decor! I wish I would do such cute things. Thanks for sharing at Party in Your PJs!

  12. That is such an attention grabbing piece Penny. Who would have thought metal and pastels would look so good together.

  13. Great carrot garland makeover! I love it.
    :) gwingal

  14. This cabbage in a metal tire is beautiful. I will be featuring it in my Spring Front Door Decor Ideas on Merry Monday on Sunday at 6PM PST.


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