Monday, February 12, 2018

The Reality of My Everyday Life

I very seldom show the "behind the scenes" reality of my everyday life.      I post pictures that show the finished product of my creativity..........not a thing out of place.       That is NOT how we actually live though.     The house gets messy at times......really really messy!

H and I have been doing some projects that were at the bottom of my to-do list and this is one of them.      I've wanted to get this cabinet painted  forever and now it is finally happening!

H took all of the glass off and covered the curtains with plastic,   but before all that happened.........

The cabinet had to be emptied out and the table and lamp by it had to be moved,         Some of the stuff in the cabinet was moved to the dining room table in the formal family room and the rest of it went to the family room where I used  the dishes in a tablescape.       I'll just leave them there until the painting is finished.      Where will we eat you wonder,     at the snack bar in the kitchen.  

H put all the glass from the cabinet at the other end of the room and put a "chair corral" to keep us out of the area so we won't accidentally wander over there and step on!      You can see that H has started painting the cabinet.     Can I trust him not to get paint on the betcha!    He's a keeper. 

Before he corraled me off of the area,     I removed all the flowers from the Christmas tree that has been in the formal living area for quite a while.     This tree has had it!     Only the small sections of lights still work......and my white tree has turned a brownish color.   

It was a beautiful tree,    I will miss it!                                               

Where did most of the flowers on it go?        I created a flower market on the mantel in the master bedroom with them!

After the cabinet is painted,    I plan to fill it with the Desert Rose dishes that are in the cabinet on the right.        Then,    that empty cabinet will get a good cleaning and we'll see what happens after that......maybe a new paint job for it too?


  1. Beautiful.. the pictures are so beautiful !! it isn't looking messy at all.. :)

  2. I love the behind the scenes aspect of this post. I always wonder what your house is like on a daily basis.

  3. A nice project and wonderful that the hubby is so helpful!

  4. He is a keeper! Mine groans when I start a paint project. Can we trade???

  5. Goodness! Does your hubby rent out???!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Valentine's Day.

  6. I enjoy when people share their behind-the-scene pics since creativity is such a process. In my home I swear the final product is short lived before I move onto the next project and start the mess all over again. Ha!
    Love your flower market idea. :)

  7. I love the beauty of your posts; even the "befores". My live in boyfriend of 11 years loves watching my favorite handyman who cleans up the mess he makes! We are in the process of getting the bathroom finished; patching sheetrock, moving medicine cabinets to a better height, sanding woodwork and doorframes, painting. Give your hubby a hug from ALL of us! Hiring it out is better than waiting!

  8. Sometimes prepping for the paint takes longer than the actual painting. I can't wait to see the finished product. Thanks for sharing at Keep In Touch.
    Let's Add Sprinkles

  9. I do so enjoy seeing the behind the scenes Penny, it makes me few so much more human. Love your decor style and the way you've repurposed (?) the flowers from the old Christmas tree to create that beautiful look in the bedroom. How lovely

  10. Penny,
    I already saw this on face book and realized that i did not comment here on the blog. I have to ask how did H paint it. By hand with a brush or spray machine? Will you be looking for another tree now for next season?????

  11. Oh my gosh I love the flower tree--so sad it's dead, oh well!

  12. This looks like quite a project. The "flower corral" is beautiful by the way!

  13. Great to see a bit of how you all do the things you do! I have a few paint projects like this I'm afraid to start for fear of the mess - thanks for sharing with Party in Your PJs!

  14. We had the same problem with our white trees...we went through three of them before buying one from Balsam Hill. So far, it's still gorgeous...most likely because it's made out of an entirely different material. Loved getting a behind the scenes view, thanks for sharing! Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck - Colleen

  15. Love your true confessions--think we can all relate! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  16. Fun post! There is always a lot of behind the scenes just changing china, painting a cabinet in place - Wow!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. We all have a behind the scene look at some point. Most of us aren't brave enough to show them. I love your inspiration. Thanks for sharing on Sunday's Best.

  19. I can't wait to see the cabinet after it is painted. Thank you for sharing at Snickerdoodle.


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