Monday, May 7, 2018

Patriotic Banner and Free Printables

Memorial Day is just 3 weeks away! 
 I've kind of  always thought of  Memorial Day as the beginning of summer.......July 4th as the middle of  summer.......and Labor Day as the end of summer.     

So ......with so many of the Patriotic holidays coming during "my summer months"  .......I think of red,  white,  and blue as my go to colors for summer decorating.

This year,    I came up with the idea that if I used Patriotic colors to decorate the hallway..... I could use most of the same decor all summer with very few changes needed.   

 I'm hoping that my time saving idea will allow me more time to spend outside in the garden!

I printed some of my favorite Patriotic pictures to display in the empty window frames I have hanging in the hallway

I love this photo with the flag surrounded by my favorite flowers......Roses!

Did you know that Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day?

I chose several watercolor photo's to put in my empty frames

I love this big red white and blue bow tied around a may see me use this idea in my outdoor decorating

This flag has inspired me to make a Patriotic rag flag using a lot of my fabric scraps

I printed off a fun banner to hang across the headboard that's under my window frames

If you would like to have a floral Patriotic banner .....pop over to Marie's blog and get a free copy!

If you would like to use any of the prints you see over to my Pinterest board.......

This was such a fun project.......

The vintage Patriotic seed packets are so colorful.......

I tried to pick photo's to display that included some of the pastel colors that I use around the house.

I also picked a couple of prints that have rose wreaths in them......

I'm planning to use my Patriotic them in the front yard too!


  1. I'm insane for that rag flag, must have, must have .

  2. You are all ready for Memorial Day and set for the 4th of July! I love the rag flag.

  3. Wow, how fun! I love the red, white, and blue floral banner. So pretty! #embracingchangelinky

  4. Penny,
    I really adore all the Patriotic prints!! Especially the vintage ones!!! They look perfect how you have them displayed!!

  5. Penny, you are so resourceful when it comes to finding pretty printables! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  6. I love your entire display! The ribbon flag is so cute! Thanks for sharing with Party in Your PJs!

  7. Your collections of printables is amazing. I love the vintage, postcard feel to these. Thanks for sharing at Keep In Touch.

  8. I love it! You are my pick for Waste Not Wednesday this week.

  9. What an amazing set of Vintage Patriotic Printables!! They look perfect in your sweet old window!!

    Thank you so much for sharing your printables with us over at Waste Not Wednesday!

  10. You are amazing with the ideas you turn into amazing projects, how cute this is. And I have your post featured on Friday Features Linkup this week and Pinned to share!!
    Hope you'll stop by and linkup again.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  11. Really fun, Penny!!! I love the old vintage posters/prints used in your frame, but it was the patriotic rag flag that caught my eye today ~ stopping over from Emily at LeCultivateur and Wonderful Wednesday. Loved your feature!

    Happy gardening!
    Barb :)

  12. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  13. Penny, this is all so pretty! I think you've inspired my 4th of July decor. Off to see the links you shared. :)


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