Saturday, June 23, 2018

Small Changes that made a Big Difference

The display cabinet in the family dining room is so big that it is very time consuming to make any big changes to it......not to mention a lot of work!       I dusted everything on the inside and put all the pieces back in about the same place that they were.


You will notice in the before photo that I had a canvas print on each end of the ledge and  a duck and a cow canvas print on the  inside shelves.      I put the 4 prints away to use in another area later.
In the after photo,    you can see how I decorated the ledge to add a fresh look to the cabinet.

I relocated the pom pom wreath that I had hung in the center of the cabinet and replaced it with a white enamel
 " Antique "sign.

I put the pom pom wreath where I had this canvas cow print,   so it seemed like a good idea to put the cow print on the!

I had the white enamel vases on the pass thru,    but I bought a new piece for there while we were on vacation this past week.      Did you miss me?

I can't wait to share the new piece I put where the vases were on the pass thru!

Here's a shot of the inside of the cabinet..........

The mirrors in the cabinet reflect everything with in a 5 mile!     You can see part of the kitchen in the upper left corner of this photo.

I put my pink wooden windmill on the other side of the metal sign.     This yard sale purchase has turned out to be so've seen me use it many times in my vignettes

To the side of the windmill,    I have a framed cow picture.

Next to the cow sign,     I have a white metal rooster that I found in the 75% off isle at Hobby Lobby the other day.    At $10 I couldn't get it in my cart fast enough!

Who could leave this sweet face behind........

and I love the big bushy tail.     

I have lots of photo's to share that I took while we were on vacation,   

 but today I just wanted to relax and  "putz around the house"  


  1. Penny, I love the antiques sign and the rooster. Wow, you have a lot of wonderful things. That had to be a job getting everything from the china cabinet and clean it all and putting back again. But we have to do those things. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  2. Yes I sure did miss you, but happy you were able to take a break & enjoying your family.Your post just gets better all the time.

  3. Penny,
    I too adore the Antiques sign and that sweet metal rooster!! I bet that is quite a job cleaning that cabinet but it is simply stunning!! I hope you enjoyed your vacation...I was wondering where you were!!

  4. Wow such fabulous finds .Yes taking all that beautiful stuff out and putting back is quite the job .Yes I missed you, but happy that you were able to get away and enjoy your family. That's what life is all about

  5. Missed you here too. Can't wait to see your new treasures.

  6. Hi Penny...yes yes yes you were greatly missed. I always enjoy your posts and look forward to them. I hope you got plenty of well deserved rest, and came back full of energy and ready to tackle new projects! I love your ideas!

  7. Penny, what a beautiful collection! That Antiques sign and rooster are wonderful additions.

  8. It looks so lovely! Seems much brighter.

  9. The rooster was a great find. We all want one!!!!!

  10. Everything looks lovely, Penny! What a sweet pink windmill! Thank you so much for sharing with The Hearth and Soul Link Party. And I love to 'putz around the house too' :-) Only in England we call it "pottering" I love learning new expressions!

  11. Your milk glass collection is amazing. I love the antique sign. Thanks for linking up to Keep In Touch.


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