Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Snow Lady & Bob

Meet Bob...our bobtail cat!  We named him Bob because he doesn't have a tail...never did!  Bob was jealous of the photo shoot that Sweet Pea had in the snow the other day, so I told him it was his turn today!

The first thing he did was climb way up in the tree (he's such a show off!)  See him way up in the top of the tree?
Here is Sweet Pea ....he was up in the tree earlier, but Bob made him get down before HIS photo shoot...did I mention that Sweet Pea is a boy?   We thought he was a girl when we named him...sorry Sweet Pea...that name will make you tough..remember "the boy named Sue" lol!
See what a difference one day can make in our snow......the sun comes out, the sky turns blue, and the snow melts.
H and Kyleigh had fun making a Snow Lady yesterday....I really don't like to get cold, so I just sat in the sun room and took pictures of them!   Look how green the grass is under the snow!  Maybe if it warms up later, I will get out and bling her up a bit!

Here is a profile of Bob....

and here he is at the back door...wanting in....baby, it's cold out here!

What a pretty boy Bob is!

Here is the link to my Winter Wonderland post.....http://penny-pennystreasures.blogspot.com/2013/11/winter-wonderland.html

We are  going to get our Thanksgiving food day...I dread it because the store will be packed with shoppers.

Only two more days!!!!


  1. Penny, it all looks so pretty. I can't wait for our first. Bob is beautiful. We had a cat, Rascal, many years ago that looked just like your Bob. He was hit by a car and damaged his long tail so we had to amputate. He ended up with a very 'bob' tail but did just fine.. He was a good boy..Have a very grand Thanksgiving with your family..Judy

  2. Oh... Bob is adorable and Sweet Pea too! The snowy yard is picture perfect and pretty enough for a Christmas Card! We had a cat named Barney (after Barney Fife, The Andy Griffith Show). He came home limping one night and we had to have his right leg amputated. It didn't slow him down a bit. He lived to be 13 and we miss him so. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Well, "hello there Bob & Sweet Pea" Your cats are gorgeous and look like they live a wonderful, fun-filled life. Our snow is leaving too only to have behind it a huge snow-storm predicted. We are expecting a big one. Deb

  4. I loved this post dear Penny, it's adorable as are the two furry Pals..Sweet Pea and Bob! The do look so happy and blessed to be your "children" as they seem so spoiled! I love all that snow, wish I had some around here, lol! Have a blessed Tksgiving.

  5. Hi Penny!!!

    I love animals and Bob and Sweet Pea(t) are so handsome!!!!

    Love the pictures!! Do you get a lot of snow? Last year we(Lower Mainland, Vancouver, BC) had snow that
    lasted 3 days and that's all we had!!! Then Spring hit.

    Have a great week!!!


  6. Love when bloggers post pictures of their beloved animals. Sweet Pea and Bob are very beautiful boys, thanks for sharing Penny . Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  7. Bob looks just like one of my cats named Mooshoo!!!! He sure is brave to climb up so high!

  8. Penny, I used to work with (and adore) a big, burly guy whose nickname was Sweet Pea, so your kitty is in good company! We used to have our own bobtail cat named Willy. He picked up that name as a kitten when he pulled some crazy stunts and we told him he was a Silly Willy. The name stuck. All our cats seem to name themselves somehow. The snow looks lovely. I have to admire from afar, since we just don't see that white stuff in South Texas much. Love the kitties and the pictures....thanks so much for sharing them.


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