Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Tour...Sun Room

The sun room is not very sunny's 50 and cloudy here is Eastern New Mexico.  

Our 7 yr old granddaughter and I had so much fun decorating the sun room in a Frozen theme.

This is the vignette that is on one side of the sofa.    I used my vintage wooden spools as stands for two small bottle brush trees.    I use the spools year round to sort craft ribbon.       My snow man is handmade ......

The base is a jar lid.....his body bottom is a styro ball wrapped with burlap string.....his middle section is a smaller get the!   I'm not good a tutorials!

Here is the other side of the sofa

I have a Jim Shore Nativity set on the desk and my favorite fold out Christmas card

Kyleigh decorated the end table with her Sven's  a big snow ball and she laid a snow man on the floral bowl

In the corner is our Frozen tea party table....

Here's the other can see the family room thru the opening.

And of course,  my favorite part of the sun room is the view of our green house.     My Christmas decorating is pretty much done,  so it's time to sit down and enjoy a cup, and look at the cards we got in the mail today.   There's not as many as we used to get....most greetings are sent by email now.    I really like the personal touch of a card.... 

May the sweet songs of the Angels surround you this Christmas.....


  1. Lovely all your rooms, yes people don't do cards that often, I still enjoy getting them.

  2. Merry Christmas Penny. I still do a few cards, but not like years ago. I guess postage killed that idea.

  3. Those Jim Shore nativity pieces are lovely. His stuff has always kind of fascinated me. I still do quite a few cards because we have people scattered all over the place. xo Diana

  4. Your sun room is gorgeous! Your granddaughter did a wonderful job! I love the colors and all the different scenes/vignettes that were created!
    I'm saddened by the lack of cards we get now...the personal touch is such a horrible loss! I make my own cards and still have quite a list that I do my best to keep up with every year!
    Merry Christmas!

  5. Penny, I love that room. It's so open and beautiful. I get fewer cards every year , but I still send them out. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  6. Ola Penny,sua casa é um conto de fadas,parabéns pela super criatividade.Boa quinta.Valéria.(Brasil).

  7. Penny!!

    You are killing me with these large rooms with so much space. I realize now that i live in a sardine can!! LOL!!

    That 2nd photo....the one with the table....took my breath away!! I LOVE it and love those spools!!
    Love the door above the sofa!!

    Now that photo that you can see the family room through. What is that stunning piece of furniture in the corner , have you shown us that wreath before and are those curtains in the door way????? I am dying to know!!


  8. Goodmorning Debbie, That is a French armoire that I've had about 12 years and it's always been in the sun room, so I'm pretty sure you have seen! The wreath used to hang over the sofa and I made it about 5 years ago. I think when you move things around it makes them seem new. When we organized the studio this past summer, I put all my craft ribbon on spools that I had been collecting for years. I have the spools stuck in a French drying rack in the studio....looks like a spool Christmas! Hugs.....

  9. Your home is like some of the old mansions I have toured, all decked out for Christmas! So lovely! I hope your holidays are happy ones.

  10. Penny everything is so beautiful, I'll bet you and your family are really enjoying it. Merry Christmas Jo

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thanks for sharing this fairy and very romantic tour


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