Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fall Flower Beds

My flower beds start looking a little sad about this time every year.    The summer heat has really taken a tole on them and I have quite a few bare spots and leggy flower bushes.  

  H and I set in today and cleaned the beds and added some fall touches.

My scare crow lady was begging for a new fall frock,  so I found her a pretty plaid blazer to put on.    

I love the way her new plaid  blazer has orange,  aqua  and   PINK in it!      

I  want her blazer to last for several years,   so I won't leave it on her if the weather is bad.

The chair in this  flower bed needs a complete!    So,  it went to the "shop" and H dug out my granddad's iron wheel barrow to put in its place.

I filled the wheel barrow with purple potato vine and pots of mums.    I bought all my mums this year at Sutherlands...   big pots were only $2.50 each.

H and I went to the pumpkin farm yesterday and were able to buy 3 BIG pumpkins.    If you have suppliers in your area,  sometimes they will let you buy the "culls" that they can't sell because of flaws.  

My culls had scuffed spots,    but that only adds character.....the stems were short,  but I don't mind that.    This size pumpkin usually sells for 30-40 dollars each in our area.   These culls were only $7 each.

I did a lot of container gardening this year,  so I was able to go around the yard and find enough pots to fill in all of my bare areas in the flower beds around the potting shed.   It works out good to put them in these beds....we won't have far to carry them into the potting shed when the weather gets cold.

I hope to do some work inside the potting shed this week and can't wait to show you what I plan to do!


  1. One of my neighbors grew a pumpkin vine in a raised bed at the front curbside of her home and she now has seversl pumpkins there, It looks so cute!

  2. Good Morning Penny
    Your Fall Garden is gorgeous! I have never heard of a pumpkin called a Cull if it was not perfect, I wonder if they do that here in CT. We pay so much for our pumpkins. We did grow 2 though this year so I am excited about that. Love the mums and potato vine. Enjoy your day

  3. Everything looks so pretty!! I love it Penny....

  4. SO pretty! :) Always love what you share!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  5. So very charming Penny!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  6. Your fall garden is stunning, everything so pretty!

  7. It's all so very pretty - I think I could walk around your lovely property all day just gazing at all of the amazing vignettes, gardens and sweet buildings. Can't believe you paid only $2.50 for the mums and $7.00 for those giant pumpkins - a total Fall score!!!!!

  8. All looks so pretty! We had some rain here for the past 2 days but now it is sunny and beautiful. We are still having above average high's in the 80's but it is in the 50's at night so that is much better and the humidity is gone....I have been able to get up into the attic and bring down my Fall decorations do the decorating has begun!!


  9. Your garden is so pretty and inviting! I could sit by the potting shed and keep the Scarecrow Lady company while we sip tea~~~

  10. Love your new fall accents, we were going to pick up some pumpkins but it is still so warm out that we have decided to wait a week or two :)


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