Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wedding Reception Tablescape

Our daughter is getting married on Saturday.     The wedding will be at a beautiful old church with gorgeous stained glass windows......and the reception will be at our home.  
We will have tables set up inside and outside for the reception   (keeping our fingers crossed for good weather).  

This is the table that is set up in the formal living/dining room.

We have places to sit and eat or ......if you just want to visit .....have a seat!
All the tables will be set up about the same,  except for the bride and groom's table.    Plenty of fresh flowers for that!

Everyone is helping,   and Kyleigh is in charge of the silverware.   This is how she plans to tie the silverware together.    She is out of school on Friday and will spend the day here helping get everything ready for her mom's wedding .  

I didn't light all the candles on the table,  but you get the idea.....

I had this wooden trough on the entry table,  but I mentioned in that post that I might move it.   ( Lot's of traffic in the entry and I was afraid it would get knocked over)   So,  I moved it to the buffet in the living room.    

I have a brass and crystal scale on each side of it and a white pumpkin....just a simple vignette.

We are cleaning house today, polishing the silver,  and setting up the inside tables.    The family will be here Friday to help with the cooking and the final touches

 I'm getting excited!


  1. What a lovely room, Penny! And how exciting; a wedding! I think the deer heads in their wedding finery are very cute. Thanks for sharing and I do hope the weather is lovely for the big day!


  2. That is coming up fast, Penny. Everything looks lovely. I can tell you have done a lot of work for the wedding. Can't wait to see the bride! xo Diana

  3. Beautiful dinning room & living room. Your daughter will always be so grateful to you & her dad for making her wedding so pretty. I hope you won't be to tried to show us a picture of the wedding & how beautiful I know she is going to look .Thank You~

  4. I dig the deer, You got a lot of details. I am hosting a link up on my blog if you would like to join. I have several blogger readers who would love to see this. Have a great day.

  5. Very nice setting and beautiful decorations for a wedding!!! How exciting!!!

  6. You are ready and everything looks perfect!

  7. This is such a pretty reception table! I am in awe of how gorgeous it all is. And I love that it is cohesive with your home. Thanks for sharing at Inspiration Thursday!

  8. I'm sure you are getting excited! So happy for you all! Breathe!! Blessings, Cindy

  9. Wow! Only a couple more days! No stress! HA!

  10. Ohh..i'm so happy for you! The wedding is here! Wonderful decors and gorgeous tablescape.

  11. Yikes, those mounted deer heads really put it over the top. Kept me distracted from seeing all your beautiful work.

  12. So many pretty details to look at Penney! Both of our daughters were married this summer. The last wedding was over Labor Day weekend and my DIY daughter decided she wanted the wedding and the dinner afterward at her home. That was quite an undertaking so hats off to you! Have a beautiful weekend!

  13. Everything looks just beautiful, Penny! I am sure your daughter will love it! Leticia

  14. Gush gush gush...hope the weather cooperates and a good time will be had by all. Just the conversation over your wonderful embellishments will be great, Best Wishes, Sandi

  15. Breathtaking! Wow, so very beautiful. You have put together everything that is beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Thanks, Valerie

  16. It is all coming along just wonderfully, I can only imagine how excited you all are!


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