Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Christmas Tablescape

When  we were at the auction last Saturday,   I got the bid on three big boxes of Christmas decor.....$7.50 FOR ALL THREE BOXES!      Not very many people came to the auction and things were going pretty cheap.

I decided to use some of the larger houses in my tablescape on the dining table in the family room.

The little flower shop on the side of the Walmart store is so cute.....

The store windows show how much detail there is inside the house......

Santa's work Bench was in one of the boxes ....

When you peek in the windows of Santa's Work Bench,   you can see how detailed the interior is,

 I wanted to share how I lit my houses.    I didn't want  a light cord strung across the dining table.....and the opening  in the back is too small to put in a battery operated light.   Solution?

I used a small battery operated flash light that H keeps in the glove compartment of the car to light my houses.

  The flash light fits perfectly in the little hole in the back.

 I shoved the light in far enough that I could set a small house over the opening to conceal my little!    (I did the same thing to light the Walmart store.)

Mickey's 75th Anniversary Cinema Palace is one of the other  houses  in my auction boxes.....

This one too!

 In the background,   you can see two chairs with a small table between them.  
 Below is what is on the table......
Our elf on the shelf decided to take a nap with the mice!     Since we have a 8 year old  grand with us several nights a week....we are doing Elf on the Shelf.     

The place settings on the table are set with pretty holiday paper!

I am well known for using paper plates in my tablescapes....

Tuesday Morning is my go to place for paper plates......

I fell in love with these tissue paper honeycomb Christmas trees.    A set of three was $4.50 at a shop I visited the other day.
You can find them at  the Rustic Gypsy in Canyon Texas.    If you are ever in Canyon,    go to the town square and you'll find lots of cute shops to visit.  

If you have any guests that are too young to have a glass of wine with their dinner,    just fill a crystal glass with Bubbly Jelly Belly's as a fun alternative!

Merry Christmas!


  1. I love the village on the table. So charming and cozy. Your home is so beautiful!

  2. Love the houses! They look vintage, so you really got a bargain! Love your decor!

  3. Such unique village pieces. I have never seen a Walmart! Weird! It is the one I would want to change the name of but keep the others as they are.

  4. ahhh Penny, what a did great on your finds. We have more than a few non-drinkers in our family and sparkling juice goes over so well. Or,I mix up a batch of Apple Cider punch and put it in a pretty pitcher, depending on the season, in summer it's pineapple punch cut with sparkling soda. Thanks so much, Sandi

  5. Good job, you always have the best finds.

  6. Love the buildings they look great on your table and such pretty plates you found!

  7. Wow!...$7.50 for all of those goodies? Congrats on such a huge steal!!

  8. I fell in love with these pretty houses. This village is fairy and it looks great on your gorgeous table

  9. So much to look at..I enlarge the pictures and look and look and "oooohhh" and "ahhhh"..I love visiting you, Penny! :)

  10. Your Christmas decor is beautiful, Penny!

  11. Every thing is so cozy.I just cant go to auctions ,

    I love them no where to put any more
    Next week I will start to post christmas here Not much here

  12. Wow, it looks like you made out pretty good! Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday!

  13. Wow, you really made out at the Auction! I love your vintage decor and ideas. Thank you for linking up with us at Welcome Home Wednesday!


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