Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Let's Make a Shabby Star Tree Topper

I  looked and looked  for a star to top my shabby tree in the family room,     I finally gave up and made my own.

  I took baling wire and made a star shape in the size that I needed for my tree topper.  I have a photo of the form in the next picture

In the star above,  I wrapped all the wire with strips of fabric then I crisscrossed strips of fabric in the center of the star.    I put a vintage earring in the center....
Here is how my wire form looked before I wrapped it in fabric strips.   My star is about 10" across,  but you could make one bigger or smaller depending on the size of your tree.    I made the tail long enough to poke down in the top of the Christmas tree.    I just ripped  1  1/2   inch strips from an old sheet to wrap around the wire. 

This star I did a little different.

  I wrapped the outer edges of the star with fabric and tacked a vintage doily to the  fabric with a needle and thread.   The vintage earring I clipped to the wire is the mate to the first star I made.

I wrapped all the wire on this star and then tacked three heart shaped blazer pins to the center of the star.   These pins are some I made back in the 90's!    I even made the ceramic look roses that are on them....don't ask's been too long ago! 
This is the last star that I made.    I added more points to this one.....trying to make it look like a Bethlehem star.   This star was a PAIN and I don't plan to make another one like it!      The other stars were a lot of fun and I may make more later.


  1. Cute, cute, cute, Penny. That last one does look like it was a pain with all the points--but it looks lovely anyway. Glad you have a sweet "tree topper" now. xo Diana

  2. Fab idea...could be wrapped in anything, plaid, burlap...or just old gold ribbons...Love it! Necessity is the Mother of invention, Thanks for the ideas! Sandi

  3. Oh my gosh these stars are so original and pretty. Each year I'm making a new hand crafted ornament and one day I'll have a whole tree's worth.

  4. I love handmade ornaments! Your stars are beautiful!

  5. Of course my favorite is the one with the ceramic roses! Wait till I show you the needlepoint Angel I made for my tree years ago!

  6. Penny!!!!! these are gorgeous**** wow you are just so creative. They are like your angel wings you made with the same wire. I love each and every one of these. Love love love love love them!!! They are so different and so beautiful. I made the angel wings after you showed yours, now I will have to make a star. I already have a star on my trees but I can make a star just to hang or place somewhere. Thanks Penny for more great ideas. Yours are breathtaking*

  7. Ohhh...i love it!!! Your shabby chci star is divine. Very well done Penny!

  8. What a great idea, Penny! I've also been looking for something to put on top of my own tree....I'm going to try angel wings this year. But now you've inspired me! Love this idea!

  9. Adorable! I've gotten to lazy to take on even a small project like your star's..but there was a time I would have tried it.They turned out so cute..and..NO ONE will have something just like yours! I think there should be an entire magazine article on your home.

  10. Yikes! I need to "proof read." Please know that I know to use two "o's" in "I've gotten too lazy.." etc. lol

  11. Loverly! Thanks for showing how you made the shabby star. Have a great Christmas. Linda @Crafts a la mode

  12. I Love it! You want a specific thing, can't find it, so you just make it! These are great and your tree is lovely.
    Thanks for sharing another crafty idea with us.

  13. lovely and pretty vintage star indeed. I love the center part of it..Truly a great idea..

  14. Cute, cute! I love all of them Penny. The Star of Bethlehem does look like it was hard! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  15. Your stars are so lovely and all the more special that you made they yourself for your tree. Thank you for sharing your stars with us at Vintage Charm. sb

  16. I love the star! I never even thought of making my own!

  17. Penny,
    The stars are just wonderful!! Another great idea!! I can see though where the last one was a pain to make!! Very pretty!!



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