Sunday, May 21, 2017

Patio Umbrella Recovered with Ruffled Curtains

   We have had some very high winds here in Eastern New Mexico the last few days......and those high winds left me with a garage sale umbrella that no longer had the pretty pink cover that I had made from sheets for it a couple of years ago.
Before...............................after cover

I could have just repaired the old cover but the fabric has been out in the weather for a couple of years and was beginning to show signs of sun damage.      We don't have things ruined by rain in this dry area,   but the sun does cause the fabric to fade and "sun rot".

I had picked up 4 panels of ruffled curtains at a yard sale last year for $2.....yes $2.....       They were still hanging in the bedroom windows and the lady said I could have them for $2 if I would just take them down ,   as it was near the end of the day.

  I took a long piece of baling wire and ran it thru the rod pocket of the curtains.    H got on the ladder and twisted the ends of the  wire together around the top of the umbrella and wa-la  I had a new cover.  

The curtains were way longer than the umbrella,  so I just used clothes pins to fold it up and attach it to the edge of the umbrella at the length I wanted.   The whole project took less than an hour.

I love my new Shabby Chic Umbrella Cover!

I have a bed post.....ceiling fan blade ......dragon fly hovering over the umbrella.

This is a good idea for repurosing those old ceiling fan blades that you can't even give away in a yard!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. That is just brilliant. I live the ruffles!

  2. That is just brilliant. I live the ruffles!

  3. This is such a clever way to add new life to an umbrella! Love this idea. Thanks so much for sharing on Merry Monday!

  4. I used to have blue curtains like your cream and pink ones. I got them down South.
    Love your ideas.

  5. Penny,
    I loved the first one but this one is simply stunning!! Unfortunately, we get too much rain here for me to do something like that. We have showers predicted every day this week.......It definitely has been a very wet Spring here.....

  6. Great idea - it looks so charming in your garden. I love how you display all of the birdhouses - very creative.

  7. I have always love the bird houses & how you have group them together. Love this post . You can come up with the best ideals~

  8. Thanks so much for the encouragement to cover with sheets or a ruffled curtain! It's just what I needed it. I was thinking covering our swing umbrella with a sheet after looking at it but I thought it wouldn't look right. Your's looks perfect. Have a great day!!

  9. Penny, Can I just come live with you? Everything is so adorable and unique that I love it all. I just imagine your personality to be the cutest thing since the color pink!

  10. That is brilliant and it looks fabulous and all for $2


  11. The new umbrella looks so pretty. Very shabby chic! Have a great weekend Penny :-)

  12. Wow I am always amazed by your finds Penny and how gorgeous and girlie you whole house is Penny

  13. This made such a sweet little secret place to perch beneath this lovely ruffled cover! Thanks so much for sharing at Celebrate Your Story!

  14. that is so clever! I know about the winds, we had a bit of a s c are too. I'll be sharingon the blog next week xo

  15. Great idea, but I am jealous of having to deal with the problem of sunrot instead of rain. I expect with it being so sunny and warm there the umbrella is very handy. You did a nice job of creating something pretty unique and your own.

  16. Hi Penny! Thank you so much for sharing this at the Farmhouse Friday link party! Pinned! :)


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