Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Traveling by Train Vignette

H and I have been talking about where we might vacation this summer,   so my mind has been in a travel mode.
   I decided to decorate the family room in a travel theme for the summer and I wanted to share my progress so far.   I decorated the fireplace mantel with maps and globes....the piano top is decorated with vintage camera's ,,,,,,the coffee table has a decoupaged globe vignette,  and now I have created a train travel  inspired vignette on the TV armoire.

Before I share the armoire shelf ,   I wanted to show you how I solved my black hole....the TV.      I hung a baby crib quilt on a tension rod to cover  the TV that  easily drops down when we want to watch our favorite programs.

Working for the Railroad was the only job my dad ever had....he was a conductor for over 40 years.   So,  I have lots of old railroad stuff that he collected over the years.   Here are two of the figurines that were in his collection.

Silver Avon train ,   a small gold and rhinestone train,   and an old pocket watch that belong to him.

A black Avon cologne train and his Railroad belt buckle. 

It was so much fun looking thru all the Railroad memorabilia to use in my travel decor theme.    I have it all displayed in the vintage china cabinet that belonged to my Grandmother.     H has all his 40 years of trucking displayed there as well.

This book caught my eye and as I looked thru it I was reminded how years ago people depended on the train to do their traveling. 

I have several of the old dishes that the Railroad used to use in the dining car.

This set is called California Poppy.

Sleeping cars were introduced in the 1800's forward to 2017,  have you ever tried to sleep on a airplane....almost impossible!

This is how the British third class car looked like....of course,  first class was very elegant.    These third class seats look so  comfy compared to the coach seats on the airlines we have now don't they!

The next section of the travel theme in the family room that I want to share is the sofa area,   so I'll be back soon with that post!


  1. Penny,
    What a great post!! There usd to be a train station here that was made into a restaurant and you wee able to eat in the dining cars. But the owner sold it, it became a night club that failed and now it is supposed to be turned into an Information Center for Wilkes Barre and restored once again. I so hope that it will be because it was beautiful. We also have the Steamtown National Park in Scranton which is dedicated to Steam locomotives. You reminded me that we have not been there in years and we should go visit again because the mall that was attached has now been turned into a Marketplace.
    Love the black globe!!

  2. Oh my, this is such a fun post and a great bit of knowledge. Thanks for sharing such delightful info.

    1. I agree with dizzy. what abeautiful trip down Train memory lane. I have only been on moving trains. Thanks for sharing with us at the Bloggers Pits Stop very Informative. Much appreciated!
      Pit Stop Crew

  3. Enjoyed your post. Always admired the workmanship of dining cars and sleeping cars when watching old B&W movies. Loved the Avon trains.

  4. I am new to your circle of friends! I love, love, love your posts! They put a big smile on my face! I love old trains and enjoyed hearing about your dad and his collection. My dad was crazy about trains. Matter of fact, my brother has his train from his childhood (1920's). I adore your "Tea Room". Look forward to more posts! Tealightfully yours.

  5. Love the train collectables. Very cool.

  6. Lovely--I especially love the globes. I shared this with train-loving friends.

    Lisa @

  7. Ohhh... Very cute the traveling train theme! You are always very inventive
    Hugs Alessandra

  8. ah, we have a train museum in Union Illinois, with tons (literally) of trains and the old pullman cars---all the way back. Love the idea of this, when train was the only way to go cross-country. Grins, Sandi

  9. What neat mementos from the railroad and your father! My grandfather was a train engineer, my dad used to tell me stories about him. It all goes perfectly with your travel theme! Thank you for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen | Our Hopeful Home

  10. Precious mementoes. I just love this theme.

  11. What a beautiful vignette! And I love, love, love those old dishes! How clever the way the plate is recessed so that it doesn't spill - and so pretty too. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Hearth and Soul.

    1. Just popping by again to let you know that this post is featured at Hearth and Soul this week! Thank you again for sharing. Have a lovely week ahead!

  12. This is so cute! We have trains running by our house, and I really enjoyed learning more about the history of train travel.

    Thanks for sharing this on the Farmhouse Friday link party! :)

  13. I love that you have a collection of trains Penny. My son also collects them. They add so much charm to a house.


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