Friday, May 12, 2017

Yard Artwork or Photography Backdrop?

Is it a large  piece of artwork for the yard,  a photography backdrop,  or both?     I think I will use it as!  

With graduation fast approaching and family reunions coming up later in the summer......there are always a lot of family photo's being taken.

I bought a screen the other day to use as a back drop for photo's.   I hung it across the front of the studio to take some pictures this Sunday of all the family gathered for Mothers Day.  
 We never eat out on Mothers Day.....too many crowds ....and you have to wait forever to get a table when there's a dozen of you.    

The "guys"  will do all the cooking for us girls.......hamburgers and hot dogs

I wanted to share some close ups of the screen,  so I have scattered them thru out my post.....

I fell in love with the print,   but wondered if it was something I would use very often.

Amazon has a good selection as well,  but this was the one I really liked......

I think this will make a great place to take photo's next week when our grandson's girlfriend graduates from High School.

Then in July our Granddaughter will get her Nursing degree....another RN in the family!

My screen  has 6 holes across the top and down each side to hold it in place.    When I saw it at Lowe's they had it hung on the back side of  a gazebo.

I have mine hung on just two screws so it will be easy to put up and take down.

I have been moving some of the outdoor furniture around this spring for a new look.    You may remember seeing all this white cast iron furniture in the front yard last summer.    I paired two of the chairs with a tea cart.   The other two are one each side of the settee.

I think this will be a fun addition to our back yard and plan to use it several different ways!   

I have some plans to change the look of my "flower bed" that I can't wait to show you.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day!


  1. This is something new to me. I love it. A total new look. Very Pretty.

  2. Penny, Oh my gosh, I absolutely love that backdrop. I have to have one. This will be a beautiful part of your summer photos. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. Haha, I love it! I saw these last year at either Lowe's or Home Depot, also hung across the side of a pop-up gazebo, and I thought they were just part of the commercial display! I inquired about them, and the person working in the garden center did not think it was for sale... just a prop. LOL it looks fabulous!

  4. Cool screen! I adore your yard.

  5. Wow! The screen is wonderful ... great spot for a party and photos! Happy Monday!

  6. I've been visiting your blog for years now. I'm always inspired mostly by your energy! Lovely.

  7. Your yard is absolutely beautiful.
    Hugs Alessandra

  8. Perfect for photos or just for decorating that area of your yard. Very nice. Thank you Penny for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I shared this post.

  9. The backdrop is absolutely stunning!! Good luck with your upcoming celebrations!

  10. What a great idea! I'm often frustrated by the busy or messy-looking backgrounds in my family photos. I don't know why it never occurred to me to get a backdrop! Thanks for linking up at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I'll definitely share this on social media.

  11. Hi,
    I am always looking to improve my blog photography so I clicked on your link. I met you at the Blogging Grandma's Linky Party.

  12. Penny,
    Wow!! That sure is a big screen and it is just perfect where you have it!! Sounds like you will be busy over the next few weeks.....

  13. Hi Penny!
    The screen you picked up at Lowe's looks great there on the wall. Your patio yard looks very inviting. I think you all will have a wonderful time taking lots of family photos this summer. Thanks for a fun post; I always enjoy coming over and reading your blog.

    Barb :)

  14. I really love this idea of a screen. It will most likely keep some of the heat out as well and it is so pretty!

  15. Thank you for sharing at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty So pretty! My daughter is a budding photographer. She needs to see this!!

  16. I've never thought of purchasing something like this for the home, but what a good idea! Very pretty. Thank you for sharing at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty!

  17. I've never seen a screen like this. Something new to me. It's really pretty. Thank you for linking up at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I'm sharing your post on social media.

  18. This is an awesome idea. I could transform part of my yard into a West Texas wonderland! Thanks for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend?


  19. Perfect setting. Your outdoor space is awesome. Thank you for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I shared this post.

  20. Thank you for linking up at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I loved all of your images and the screen is just beautiful. I've shared on social media.

  21. Penny, it's such a lovely arrangement you have! Love every single thing..

  22. I never knew you could by these screens what a clever idea Penny

  23. Never would have thought to look at Lowes for this. Thanks for the tip. It's so pretty, your photos will be great. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home


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