Friday, June 2, 2017

Farmhouse Barn Doors

I found some faux Farmhouse barn doors for the studio and they were less than $20!   I think you will be surprised to find out where I found the shower curtain dept. on Amazon!

Aren't my doors a fun addition to the Farmhouse look that I am going for on the patio

I think that I will be able to use them in other area's of the yard too.....

You may remember the post I did a few weeks ago using a screen as a backdrop for taking graduation photo's (shown in the first photo)      Now a new look is shown in the second photo.

I hung my barn doors with just a couple of nails so they are so easy to take down.

I found my doors when I was searching for a farmhouse style flag for the back yard.

Here's the cute cow flag that I found.......

Mama cow and calf..... 

and a metal Mama cow and calf!

I put a metal blue bonnet on each side of the door.......

I also added  a metal sheep planter on the left side.....

and basket of yellow Petunia's on the right side.

The cat's all fight over who gets to set in the lounge!   They're all camera shy and  scattered when I started taking pictures!

Did you notice that I added a big concrete boot to the side of my garden trunk vignette.....(bottom right side of the photo)     I've had it for years and had stuck it in a corner behind the studio....then forgot about it for a couple of years.   We came across it while cleaning out that area the other day and I thought it would add a nice touch to my Farmhouse style patio!

Sorry for all the creases in the '"barn doors"    I didn't notice them until I edited  my photo's and by then it was raining....yes we got rain today!   I'll just throw my curtain in the dryer with a damp wash rag and they will all disappear!


  1. That is cool. Love the barn door look!

  2. What a cute idea! You have such cute things! I am sure this summer you will relax and enjoy your yard.

  3. Penny,
    I actually gasped when you mentioned that they were shower curtains!! I did not even realize it!! Amazing!! Wow, you got rain!! We have finally had a few days with Sun but at least a shower or 2 every day.....

  4. Even though you said you got them in the shower curtain dept. I didn't think of the doors as a curtain until the end when you said they had wrinkles. LOL Authentic looking for sure.

  5. Oh my word, they look like the real thing. What a brilliant idea. It's absolutely perfect for your patio Penny

  6. Love the barn doors... wonderful! :)

  7. I LOVE Barn doors!! :)

    I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks:

    Thanks for joining the 100th Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  8. Wow! They look so real from your picture - love it!

  9. Thanks for sharing your wonderful posts at Over The Moon Party.
    See you next week.

  10. They look great! I love the look!xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

  11. That cow flag is a fantastic fun find. I was at home sense last week and they had a cow pic, but it wasn't large enough. Your flag looks nice and large. Love it

  12. Hi,
    Thanks for bringing you post to last week's Pit Stop.
    Janice, Pit Stop Crew

  13. Oh my gosh these doors are amazing and add such great texture to the space, and thanks so much for linking up for I DIYed that! Hope to see you again next week!

  14. This wonderful post is a CREATIVE feature on the July You're the STAR blog hop:


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