Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Pink Cotton Bolls Made with Egg Cartons

The stores are full of cotton boll stems this fall,   but none in pink!   

So,  I decided to try my hand at making some pink cotton bolls to use in my fall decorating

I created three different vignettes with my pink cotton bolls.......this is the first one.

The first vignette has a big metal rooster hanging on the Hossier cabinet.

This is the second vignette ......minus the hanging rooster.  

 The vignette will be moved to the studio after I photograph it and brought back in after Labor Day.     Since I haven't decided yet where it will be placed when I bring it back in,  the rooster may or may not be part of the vignette.   

While I was playing with cotton balls to make my cotton bolls,    I tried my hand at making some cotton bales.   Cotton balls,  bolls,  bales......lol!

While I was working on my pink cotton boll post,   H was in the garage working on another project.

I had bought these rustic bird houses at a yard sale a few weeks ago for a dollar a piece.    They were both falling apart,  but I knew H could fix them.     I wanted to "play" with them a bit,   so I used them to create a third vignette.

The pink cotton bolls were a fun and easy project.     

Egg carton........................sections cut apart....................sections painted Apple Barrel Cameo Pink

Here's some info on how I created my cotton bolls.....

I pulled at my cotton balls  to make them a little bigger.   Then I  hot glued them into the egg carton shell.  

  I put my bolls on a paper plate....took them outside .....sprayed them with adhesive.......and sprinkled them with glitter

   I cut apart a leafy bush that I bought at Michael's and glued my bolls to it   The cotton boll stems that I've seen in the stores don't have any leaves on them,  but I wanted mine to look more like a plant.

I included quite a few close ups of the bolls throughout the post for you to look at .....just in case you might want to make some for your fall decorating.

The metal cake plate holding my cotton boll plant is  filled with acorns from out front yard.

There are tons of acorns under the oak tree in the front yard......

H was sweet enough to gather a big coffee can full of acorns for me to use in my fall decor......thank you honey!

 So,  which vignette do you like the best?   .......and where will I put it?

It's still a little early to start decorating for fall,   but I like to have things ready to put out after Labor day.   


  1. Me gusta la idea de las flores de algodón sencillas y bonitas. La viñeta que más me gusta es la tercera, con los nidos para pájaros. Un saludo.

  2. How darling to make pink cotton bolls. I love how you created the vignettes. They are so pretty.

  3. So I am curious if you grew up in a home where you were always crafting or if this was developed later in life.

  4. These are wonderful. I make my own cotton bales as well but not in pink. Pinning.

  5. I love your cotton bolls! I was in K-Mart today and noticed king-sized puffs. I had seen a post using pine cone pieces around the cotton. Always having lived in New England, I have never seen a REAL cotton plant. Love the pink but brown'd work, too! I like the roosters vignette best. I like the rusticity (is that a word?) of the birdhouses but would use them with traditional fall colors. Love the acorns!

  6. What a clever idea! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  7. Hi Penny!
    I think I like #1 best but that's because I like your hanging rooster! Lol! This is a really cute craft and as usual I'm happy to share it to my Crafts to Make board on Pinterest with my readers. <3 Love all your ideas!!! Please tell Mr. H he is a keeper for doing things for you. My hubby helps me out when he's home, too.

    Have a lovely weekend,
    Barb :)

  8. How smart are you?! That turned out great.

  9. Penny,
    Love this idea!! So ingenious using egg crates....
    I love the 3rd display because you know me....I subscribe to the more is more philosophy!!

  10. Hello Debby,
    I love your beautiful decorations!

  11. So pretty and glittery and I love the acorns too

  12. Just LOVE your posts! So glad you shared at Reader Tip Tuesday. I hope to see you at this week's party: http://www.jodiefitz.com/2017/08/15/reader-tip-tuesday-craft-recipe-party/ xo

  13. Love the pink cotton bolls. You always come up with the cutest and most clever ways to create items that suit your special style! I like all the vignettes you created but #1 is my favorite. Gotta love anything with a big metal rooster!

  14. They look so romantic like all the rest of your decorations! All of them look fantastic!


  15. you are so talented, that is such a good idea! Love, love your home, Hugs

  16. Love the cotton bolls you created. Thank you for sharing at Snickerdoodle and providing us with such a great tutorial for creating our own cotton bolls.


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