Monday, August 28, 2017

Week End Treasure Hunt

I didn't get a chance to do a weekend treasure hunt post last week,   so this post is actually a combination of two weeks finds.

I have a printers tray somewhere????  can't find it!    How can someone loose something that big?    I bought my tray back in the 70's and it even has brass corners...anyway,  if I ever find it I will have two big ones!     This one was $20 at an estate sale.

I snatched up this horse painting for 25 kinda matches the one I have on the kitchen counter that you can see up in the top center of the photo.

These napkins are pretty worn,   but not stained......8 for $1

The basket,   berry garland,  and Leaves of Gold book were each $1

My grandmother had one of these brass plant stands and I couldn't pass it up......

It was late in the day and everything was half price so my stand was $3.75.    The square tablecloth in it was $1

H bought this fireplace set for $3.75.    Our grandson just bought a new home and he needed one for his fireplace so H bought it for him.

So,  that's my treasures for this week.....did you find anything good?    If you did,   please leave me a comment with all the details!


  1. That's pretty lucky to find another horse picture that are so close to being alike. Love the plant stand, I remember my grandmother had one just like it also she had a huge Boston fern in it, beautiful. I actually did find a few items this week end, the best one was just short of 10 yards of pink lace fabric( i'm going to make curtains for my guest room. Price on the fabric was $5.00 but it had a green ticket and that meant it was half off WOOHOO $2.50. I also found a round china ball with pink flowers painted on it that was half off so I paid .99. I did feel like I won the lottery finding the material. Love seeing all the treasures you find all the time.

    1. Great finds! I always pick up pink fabric when I find it at a good price, you never know when you'll need some for a project. Finding 10 yards IS like winning the lottery...hugs...

  2. Always great shopping, Penny. LOVE the horse painting---lots of 'soul' in those eyes. Grins, Sandi

  3. Penny,
    Great treasures!! I can not beleive that you only paid 25 cents for that horse picture!! Amazing!!

  4. I had a printer tray from the 70s too. I got rid of it and I've been kicking myself ever since.

  5. We have a lot of thrift stores here and a nice flea market minutes away. I go to the occasional yard sale but don't of out of the way for them. One of the ts's had 50% off so I found a EHartford silver plate butter dish with knife holder (knife missing but I have many) for2.50. A wonderful old large wooden box with nice detailing for 12.50. Great for hiding my craft supplies in. At a different ts I found a nice heavy wooden box with removable tray fo 2.00. T top is embellished with an old fashioned pair of scissors, needle and spool of thread etc carved into the to. Way kewl! it hides emergency sewing notions on my great room table.

  6. What are you going to do with the wooden item with all the boxes?

  7. so many beautiful items! The linens are very much like the ones I have, from my great-grandmother's hand. And I would love to get my hands on a printer's tray. Need to keep my eye out. Thanks for sharing your treasures with us :)

  8. That printer tray is called a California Job Case. I would love to see it used for the type and it's original purpose but if not that, I would hate to see them trashed. I am glad you saved another one.

  9. I would totally have bought that horse painting.

  10. Eeeeep! I love all of your finds (and also your kitchen! It's gorgeous!) You found some incredible items... I love those napkins and the horse painting and the printer tray :) Super neat, and I'm curious to see what you do with it!

    Stopping in from SITS Sharefest and hope you have a great weekend :)

  11. Nice finds! Thank you Penny for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I shared your post on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter.

  12. Hi Penny,
    Great finds these past two weeks! Love the printer's tray. I bought a printer's tray a couple of months ago at a garage sale. (would you believe it was only $5!) I'm going to use it as part of my decorations next week at my Outlander Premier party. There will be blog post about it. One of the characters in the Outlander series is a printer (and a smuggler) so it fits in with the theme of the party. Have a great weekend!

  13. That printer's tray is wonderful! Great find! Thanks for sharing @ Vintage Charm!

  14. Fun stuff. I hear you about finding what I already have... I remember an older neighbor saying it's easier to buy something than try to find it in the house. At that time, I was in my 20's and couldn't understand that at all. Let's just say I understand it now. I have a few printer's trays also. Can't wait to see what you do with them!! Linda @CRafts a la mode

  15. The equine art is gorgeous, what a beautiful animal. So lucky to have two of them now.

  16. Love the fireplace set and the napkins. Thanks for sharing your treasures with us at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty.

  17. Now I am wondering what you will create with the trays.

  18. Such fun!!!

    And thanks again for linking to WNW

  19. I love how you find these incredible things you have such an eye and that printers tray is fabulous

  20. I love the printers tray. I want one, but I don't want to buy until I know what I will do with it. I've loved horses my entire life, the picture is so pretty! Thank you for sharing at Party in Your PJs!

  21. Great finds! I need to take time to treasure hunt :) looks like fun...
    Thanks for sharing at last week's reader tip tuesday party. Can't wait to see what you find next: xo

  22. Wow Penny lots of great finds. I love the printers tray. And the painting is also a great find. I never find anything at such great prices in my area.

  23. Penny, you always find the best things on your treasure hunting trips! Thank you for sharing at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty! Teresa

  24. I have a printer's tray in the closet. I'm anxious to see what you do with the cool one you just picked up!

  25. Great finds! Thank you for sharing at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty


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