Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week end Treasure Hunt

This weekend,   my treasure hunt involved a road trip to Leveland Texas to the Petticoats on the Prairie show.      Leveland is about 100 miles from where we live and with the speed limit 75 all the way,   it's about an hour and a half trip.    

The show was held at the big event center just on the outskirts  of Leveland.    It was packed with goodies.....about 100 vendors.

There was a big pumpkin field across the street from the event center.    The pumpkins had already been harvested and all that was left in the field were the culls.

I was so busy looking around that I didn't take very many photos,

But,   I will give you a link to their web page at the end of my post.....lots of photos there.

There were plenty of glammed up campers at the show.

I bought a little something at this booth.......

See that big tall chicken feeder on the left side of the photo....leaned up against the cash stand........

Well,   that came home with me.....

I can't wait to use it in a vignette......

I did find time to go by a few yard sales after the show.     These wood trellises were $1 each.    I know they are upside down,  but I wanted you to see how they look like Christmas trees to me!

Believe it or not.......I don't have a gate to use as a decoration.     I paid a little more than I wanted to  ($20)  but they wouldn't come down and I really wanted it!

My last treasure was this coffee table for $5.    The marble top was gone,  but I don't need another coffee table anyway  AND   I plan to repurpose it.        H is working on it today and I can't wait to show you his creation!

The link to Petticoats on the Prairie web site is.......


  1. O MY!
    LOVE the idea of Christmas Trees made from those trellises. Looks like a great place to visit!! And I can not wait to see what you and H do with that table.
    And 75 miles an hour!! I would love to drive that highway. Here the speed limit is only 65 miles an hour.I would much rather drive an interstate than the stopping and starting in towns.....Yes, I am known for my lead foot and Joe is known for driving like an old Granny!! LOL!!

  2. Penny, Plenty to look at and pick from. You got some wonderful deals. Love the trellises. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. it is really full of treasures....

  4. Wow, I wish I lived closer. That would definitely be an event I wouldn't miss. Love the trellises and can't wait to see what ya do with them!

  5. I'm so excited to see what you do with these new finds. In reality, $20 isn't bad for that fence gate.

  6. That looks like a great place to shop for treasures

  7. You found some great things! I love it when people share tag sale finds. I have the same fence gate! My sister gave it to me and I believe she paid a lot more. Here's how I used my gate in my house:
    It's an old post, but it's still in my office and just recently, we used it in a backyard wedding.

  8. Those Trellis are such a great deal!

  9. This place is really full of treasures
    Hugs Alessandra

  10. Penny it looks like such a fun place to shop! Thanks for sharing!

  11. I love your trellis idea; think they would be awesome with white lights on them. Think I'd give them a couple of coats of white paint. In Maine we have to plan ahead to drive stakes into the ground to stand stuff up for Christmas! I also coveted the flamingos you snapped a picture of! Looks like it was a great day.

  12. Can't wait to see how you repurpose the coffee table! You have a creative eye to see Christmas trees in those trellis! Can't wait to see how you decorate them! Love having you at Merry Monday!

  13. Those are some amazing finds! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the fan favorites at the Sunday Showcase from the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link to the Showcase. Hope you have a lovely week ahead! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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