Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Week End Treasure Hunt

I know you guys are used to seeing the treasures I find at the yard sales over the week end displayed on the island in the kitchen to get  photographed  for my post. 
     There's a reason for my madness this week!      I didn't want to unpack all the treasures in these two brown bags in the kitchen and have to carry all the pieces to the formal dining room!

I knew ahead of unpacking my bags that I was going to display them on the formal dining room table,    so I decided to unpack them in there!     
The lighting isn't as good in the dinning room as it is in the kitchen for photographing,    but less work always trumps good lighting.....lol! 
 I found  12 matching tea cups and  saucers,  two sugar bowls,  and a creamer for $20!    What a buy!.    I visited with the lady that was having the yard sale while we packed up the treasures and found out that they had belonged to her 91 year old mother.

Here is the back side of the tea cups......

and the marking on the bottom of the saucers.

I bought this picture at a different sale.....$4

Love the bling on both of the pics!

My last find is a vase that matches two others that I have.

So,   here's all my treasures from the week end hunt

I didn't have anywhere in mind yet to display my cups and sauces yet,    so I just decorated the table with them.

I shopped the house and found this water pitcher that has a similar design on it.     I am so mad at myself because I know I have a teapot and small serving dish that have either the same or a similar design on them.......but I can't find them anywhere!

I also has this serving bowl that goes well with them.

How do you display a service for 12?

I made a wreath with some of them.......

I put a few pieces on each end of the existing centerpiece........

Then,     I removed the small white pumpkins I had mixed into my centerpiece and put the tea cups in their place.     I turned the cups around to the backside since I already had so many cups turned to the front side on the table.

I'll leave them on the table thru the fall,    then I'll move some stuff around and find them a good home.

  Til next time......


  1. I LOVE the dinnerware!! I have a set of lustreware service for eight that I bought on e-bay about 10 years ago, and it's all still packed away in a box because I don't have a place to display it. It was only $30, but aside from the tea pot sugar and creamer, it's never seen my house.

  2. Sweet set of dishes! I do hope you get it all displayed.

  3. So cute! You say you didn't know what to do with some of the cups so you made a wreath. Very creative! I had a good chuckle. That's something I'd do.

  4. Beautiful finds .I love how you have them displayed They look perfect where they are .You are so very creative They look great sprinkled threw your centerpieces for fall

  5. Your finds are lovely Penny. Imagine finding a set of tea cups like that for such a bargain and they've come to the right home too. The lady from the yard sale must be so happy that you picked them up.

  6. I love old dishes with pink roses; that set is absolutely lovely and your "companion" pieces tone well with the cups and saucers. Time for a tea party? Today's dishes just can't match old stuff!

  7. Those dishes were just waiting for you, Penny. And, I bet the Granny is smiling from heaven, knowing they will be loved and well cared for----$20....what a steal!

  8. beautiful, love your awesome finds. My favorite the vase so very pretty
    come see what we shared at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  9. What a haul! Love those pretty dishes! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm--pinned!

  10. Penny!!!!
    OMG!!!!!! Those dishes are to die for!!! LOVE them! But you knew that I would!!! I adore those sweet signs and I laughed when I saw the vase because i have an identical vase!! LOL!! Thanks for brightening my day with is very dark, dismal and rainy....again!!!!!

  11. That is a sweet tea set. Cute, cute and a good buy. Thanks for sharing at Keep In Touch.


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