Saturday, October 6, 2018

How Important is it to Decorate the Utility Room?

How important is it to decorate the utility room?    Well,   I guess it would depend on how much time you spend in there,    and in my case that answer would be " A LOT"   

My utility room is really more of a multipurpose room. 
   In addition to the laundry     there's a lot more stuff going on in there every day.

The built in desk really gets a work out  every day.

I have pretty decorative boxes that hold "my stuff" 
 The boxes do double duty too.     I can turn the lid over and use the flat surface to set seasonal and holiday decor on.     

Some of the things I do in the utility room at my desk are open mail and write notes......

Paint my nails.......

Put on my make up........

I keep my everyday make up in a pretty box on the desk,   but I have a drawer full of make up for special occasions.    By keeping my make up selection down to a minimum of just what I use daily,  it save lots of time sorting thru make up that I don't use very often.

I also dry and curl my hair at the desk.     It's a straight shot to the hall bath where I style my hair      I don't style my hair at the desk because I like to stand and use a mirror to look at the back and make sure that looks as good as the front.

I made some pumpkins to give the utility room a fall feel.

I wasn't sure if I would like using a scenic print fabric to make them,    but I was really pleased with the end result.

See how I turn the lid upside down to sit seasonal decor on?

Other and really important things are done in the utility room......the laundry

and the ironing

I have my grandmothers old ironing board displayed in the laundry room. 

   And I bet you are wondering why I have a dish drying rack on top of my washing machine.     Well,   I don't like to put wet wash cloths in the hamper so I lay them on it to dry before tossing them in the hamper.      

I don't do any machine sewing in the utility room,   but I do sit at my desk and do hand work sometimes.

I know some ladies put their make up on at a desk in the bedroom.     My bedroom doesn't have all the great natural light that the utility room has,  so I've put mine on in here for about 10 years.
    Our home only has 2 bathrooms and we need about 4 or 5 at!    I didn't have the luxury of  tying one up for about an hour every day ,   so I had to find another place and the utility room was the solution to the problem.

The cabinets over the washer and dryer hold cleaning supplies.....paper towels.....etc      The unit between them has decorative boxes that store all kinds of stuff. 

The doors to the side of the washer and dryer house the hot water heater and the heating unit for the house.

The built in cabinets next to the desk hold my linens,   candles,   and misc

The circuit breaker is behind the chandy.   To make it less of an eye sore in the room,   I have it covered with a picture frame filled with fabric that matches the seat cover on my chair and the curtains below the window. 

How important is it to me to decorate my utility room..........very!


  1. Penny,
    This is not a Utility Room....I would call it an all purpose room!! I envy you having a room like this. I wish we had a separate Laundry Room. Our washer and dryer are in a closet in the Powder Room. I would LOVE to decorate a Room in a Laundry theme! I put my make up sitting in front of the vanity of our bedroom. I have a make up light and mirror there. But I dry and style my hair in the Powder Room downstairs. I started doing this when the boys were young so the sound of the hair dryer would not wake them up when I was getting ready to go to work for 11pm at night...Your Utility Room always looks lovely!

  2. Hi Penny, Ohhhh, your utility room is exquisite ! Romantic, soft, tranquil ~ your taste is my taste and you inspire me with your designs for my home. I'm in awe of how creative and imaginative you are. Thank you for sharing ~ your blog makes my day ! :) Blessing to you ~ maryanne

  3. Penny i love your soft romantic laundry room. Thank you for sharing your link at our Celebrate Your Story. Kari@meandmycptain

  4. The room looks so good. I bet it gives you such pleasure to be there enjoying the room.

  5. Ahhh If my laundry room looked this pretty I wouldn't mind spending time there. At the moment it's probably my least favorite room in the house and I try avoid it at all costs :D

  6. I think it's important to decorate any room in which we spend a lot of time - laundry room, craft or sewing room, utility room, bathroom. If it makes me happy when I'm in the room, that's a good thing. Great Question. Your room is beautiful! Cheryl

  7. Your utility room looks very romantic and cozy. How lucky you are to spend your time there!

  8. Such a pretty utility room. Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJs!

  9. I decorated my laundry room too. It makes the work more pleasant. Your pumpkin is a darling.

  10. What a pretty laundry room! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!


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