Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Sneak Peek at my Christmas Barn

I wanted to share the progress on the Christmas barn that H has been constructing.       H has completed his part of the project and now it's my turn to add all the details to the barn.      But as usual,   I'm running a little behind      I have too many projects started and none!       Do you ever find yourself in my shoes over the holidays?

H brought the barn into the kitchen so I could get some good photo's to share,    the light is great in here.       I can't wait to show you where the barn lands up for it's Christmas debut!

H started  his part of the project with a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood .      He rough sketched his hip roof barn on the plywood and then cut it out with his electric saw.         There was quite a bit of the plywood sheet left over for more projects!

Then,    he painted the barn with white paint.        

He stapled grey and white plaid fabric to the barn and made a roof using 1x2's and  some narrow molding.

How much of my part of the project has been done? 

  I have the barn doors in place.      My doors ares made out of paper that I found on Pinterest and printed.     I just glued them to the fabric.      I have lots more details to add to the barn and hope to be finished soon!

In the second photo you may have noticed that the kitchen counters look pretty bare.       I have packed away almost everything that was on them and am ready to start decorating for Christmas


  1. I actually like the counters much better bare.

  2. I love the barn!!! It’s so cute! Great job!!!
    ~Emily @

  3. I love that barn. It would be so much fun to use all year around like you do other things. Oh, please bring out the cow in her boots to set by the barn with a wreath around her neck. That's a great idea to use for other decorating ideas. That barn will be popular!!!!!
    Thanks for making my grey Winter like day happy.

  4. What a wonderful project - it will make a great addition to your beautiful decorations! And yes, like you I have quite a few projects started but none finished! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop!

  5. Love the plaid on the barn it's so cute.Great project!

  6. Pinned! I turned an old manger stable that my adult daughter and I built in an after school program many moons ago..into a xmas barn..with cows. Will be sharing it soon on my blog. This is sooo cute btw

  7. Penny,
    You and H are quite a team!! Amazing since of imagination !! Love it!! And the plaid is perfect!!


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