Wednesday, January 23, 2019

New Rugs and Going Green

The rugs that have been in the family room were "vintage" to begin with and after 10 plus years of daily use they needed to be replaced.      I've had a hard time finding replacements that fit the style I have now.......and also in my price range.     

Since I've had rugs with floral prints for so long,    I was ready for solid neutral rugs for the family room    This is the new one in the dining area,    and I will post the new one in the living area later.     It's the same color palette,    but a little different.


Of course,  new rugs mean that the family area would need a little freshening up too!

I added a table runner to the existing tablecloth and made a simple Valentine floral design.

Happy VDay

The next change I made was to "go green"     I am so ready for spring!

The floral design I made can be seen from all sides.....

This is the view from the kitchen.......

The view from the dining room........

and the view from the living area.

I hung a simple Valentine wreath........

It's just a heart shaped chicken wire wreath that I wired a garland to.

Other changes I made included .........

I replaced the lamp on the display unit  and also all the decor on the other shelves.

A new vignette on the table under the window.      I also brought in the harp table from in the hallway and put it under the window      So,  of course,   now the hallway looks a little different!

I added more green with the addition of a pretty potted plant.     You've seen this plant in the master bedroom for several years and it was time to move it to a new location.

I don't know what kind of faux plant this is,   but I love it!   

In the first photo,   the dining room was flooded with natural light.     By the time I finished the dining room,    the sun had set and it was dark outside.     It took all day to make the changes,   take the pics,   and write up a post.......but it was well worth it!

I love it when you stop by for a visit,    come back soon!


  1. Penny,
    I enjoyed all of your "Green" touches.... The rug fits in perfect with your "Farmhouse" Theme but you know me, a Victorian Soul" ....In my house, I would prefer the other rug! But I know you like it and it looks great with your new style and decor!!

  2. Where did you find the rug? I am looking as well and nothing seems to be right.. I like the look of this for where I would want to put it in my home. Thanks !!!

  3. Good morning Penny,
    I love the new look. It feels fresh and airy and the floor looks great. I like change and now I see the wood floors. I love the plants and that's the best part as I am a farmer at heart.
    Keep up the excellent work. CHANGE IS GOOD. When get in a rut it's hard to get out.

  4. Green decor makes me happy all the time. The decor looks just lovely. Found you at Bloggers pit stop

  5. I love this look! This is so welcoming and inviting. #trafficjam

  6. Love the femininity of the pops of pink and the pastels are sooooo soothing! -michele

  7. Your added greenery is lovely! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  8. Very lovely. I love the greenery. I need to add some to my home. And the new rugs are very pretty.

  9. The dining area rug, looks so good a great change from the floral rug. Your hanging greenery is just perfect, a nice fresh look. We will feature your post on the next Blogger's Pit Stop. Well done.
    Blogger's Pit Stop

  10. I love the new rug. I also adore that heart wreath on the chicken wire. Too cute. Thanks for linking with Keep In Touch.

  11. Love the new rug! Your touches of spring are just perfect too. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Share Some Love. Pinned.

  12. I love your Valentine's Day centerpiece. The green floral arrangement is beautiful!

  13. Its always nice for subtle changes and your green rug is nice. I love your vignette with the windmill, so cute. You are such a clever and creative blogger. Thank you for sharing on Fridaay Features party this week. Have a lovely weekend!


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