Saturday, February 23, 2019

Saying Goodbye to our Front Porch Faux Fireplace

We had some pretty strong winds here in Eastern New Mexico this past winter and the front yard really took a beating!     The fireplace on the front porch blew over and was a complete loss. 
   Since we had to say goodbye to it,    I thought I would share a walk down memory lane.

When we moved in here over 10 years ago,   the front porch was very small.     So,  one of the first things we did was add on a huge front's about a 15 X 40.      I wanted it big enough that we could entertain without being crowded.

After a couple of years,   H built a faux fireplace from the top part of a dresser that we bought at the auction for  I think about $20.       I don't remember the exact amount,   but I know it wasn't much.

If you look close in the top left corner of this photo,   you can see a group of birdhouses on porch posts.     The porch posts are still standing but the birdhouses were a loss in the winds we've had. this past winter.      

Once the fireplace was completed,      H made a long farm table for the front porch.        We can easily seat 10 .....more if we squeeze in.

Then we decided to build a frame over the fireplace and hang some windows in it.........

The frame also made it so we could hang a light over the table........

Last summer,   H took down the windows and hung the oval part of a coffee table over the fireplace.....

We also hung a different light fixture over the table last summer.

The umbrella had been put in storage for the winter or I'm sure the wind would have been blown into  the next!

I normally change the umbrella cover out every year or two........

Last summer,    I didn't put a cover on it........maybe I will this spring

We bought new furniture for the porch two springs ago,    so it will stay the same this year.......

I may change the covers on the furniture pads this year.....who knows!

I will sure miss out fireplace........

We have decided not to replace the fireplace.   When we had people sitting at the table,   the walkway in front of the fireplace was to narrow for anyone to pass behind the chairs. 
   So,   the porch will look different next time you see it......without the fireplace,   but with something new in it's place!

I enjoy your visits so much,    please come back soon!


  1. Sorry about the fireplace, it was a lovely addition to your porch. You and H are so creative and talented- I can't wait to see what you are going to put on the porch.

  2. What a bummer, losing that cute fireplace. It served you well though! It will be fun to plan something new and I'm sure you will come up with a lovely replacement Jane

  3. Oh, Penny- I am so sorry! It was such a neat thing to have - your hubs is so clever! I know you will really miss it and you've enjoyed it so much.

    I know whatever thing you two come up with will be fabulous. Hugs.

  4. I currently have in my hallway (don't ask) the top half of one of those dressers. I am repainting the bottom to be a cabinet. You have inspired me to consider using it as a faux fireplace instead of donating it. What a lovely idea!!

  5. I loved this fireplace, Penny , but I always wondered how you were able to keep it outside.....The rain that we had all Summer has continued through out the Winter with snow before it and ice and then rain......Our yard is going to need some serious clean up when Winter is over and that will not be soon.....

  6. Penny, I love your Southern hospitality on your front porch. The fireplace made it feel so cozy and inviting. I too will miss it. That's for all the great ideas.

  7. Oh, gosh, I totally understand and grieve the loss of your fireplace, too.--My son has his house up for sale, 3 offers and last nights winds tore up their gazebo and did possible damage to the house---so everything is kaput and they had to take it off the market, until repairs can be made (in Chicago burbs). The weather has been an issue all over the country, for sure! I'm sure you will come up with something fabulous and secure!

  8. You decorate beautifully! I love your style! What a wonderful porch. It would probably all be stolen if this was in my front yard.

  9. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm going to miss seeing that fireplace in your displays. Can't wait to see what replaces it. Hugs!

  10. I feel your pain, Penny. I've had wind damage in my garden several times. I'm glad you have the beautiful photos--I know you'll replace with something lovely soon. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  11. So sorry you lost the fireplace, it was beautiful. I was thinking the whole time I was reading, well Mr. H just needs to build her another one. Then read you are getting something new in its place! I'm a little behind reading your blog, will have to catch up. As always, your home is so beautiful!!


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