Monday, September 16, 2019

Straw Tablerunner

A loose straw table runner on the front porch?????    Is she crazy?????

Well,   I might be just a little crazy,   but I do have fun being that!

I have created so many tablescapes over the years using a cloth table runner or a long garland of greenery and flowers that I just wanted something different for this tablescape.

I will admit that a straw tablerunner would work better in the house where there's no breeze,   but I checked the weather forecast for today and I think I'll be ok to use it for a little get together I'm having later this evening.

The table has to be cleared after the party anyway  and it won't take but a little extra time to hand sweep the straw into a bag and save it to use another time.

To make my table runner I bought a bale of straw at Hobby Lobby,   took it apart,    and scattered the straw down the center of my farm table    

Could it get any easier ? 

I wanted to keep the decorations on my table runner simple to keep it the center of attention......

Crystal pumpkins......and a few roosters and hens is all I needed to add to the straw runner for a simple look.

I will serve dinner buffet style on the island in the kitchen.    Everyone can fill their plates in the kitchen and come out to the porch to eat.    

I always enjoy your visits so much,    please come back again soon!


  1. Hmm, I'm not a big lover of the white look, but I love your white pumpkins with the straw, just sets it off perfect...and with the buffalo check ribbon, it's all perfect!

  2. Good morning Penny, Oh, I do love your straw table runner. It makes all the other goodies looks so cute and farmish. I love the crystal scales. This is one of my favorites for your porch. The white is beautiful and makes such a statement. Everything goes with white as a back ground.
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Just really adorable and what a nice change!!

  4. As usual, I love it! Have a great time tonight!

  5. It made a beautiful tablescape and it was very creative! But now I'm curious, how long did it last before blowing away? Every afternoon the wind picks up and it's hard to even keep a lightweight tablecloth on my outdoor tables (very frustrating for throwing parties). Blessings, Loni

    1. First, my porch is very protected.....second, I checked the weather and only a light breeze was predicted for that evening.....and lastly, I only used it the one night. After the party, I put it back in a bag to save it for another day...another way! xoxo

  6. Lovely tablescape! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!


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