Monday, April 5, 2021

Easter at the Ranch

H and I spent Easter at the ranch with our daughter and her was so relaxing!    We had ham and all the fixings for our Easter dinner.....yummy!

Two more baby goats have been born since we were at the ranch about a week ago.....the little black one that our Grand daughter was holding in the first photo.....and this little brown cutie.

The animals have to be fed every day,   so there are no holidays or week ends off on the ranch.    Our grandson fed the goats Easter morning.

Then our grand daughter took us for a ride around the ranch......

First she drove us down to the pond....the cows are grazing on the nearby field,  but none of them were down drinking at the pond today.     

Ky drove us past the neighbors house that's across the road from the's a beautiful log cabin.   

Some of the sheep were up by the road eating this morning.... the rest of them were down at the barn.

She drove us back to the house where I have a surprise inside to share with you guys.....

They've converted a freezer box into a hatchery for the chicks and ducks....

The hatchery is set up in the game room next to the pool table so I guess they won't be able to play pool for a!    


They only have 1 Rooster and 3 hens right now,    so they have expanded the chicken part of the ranch by quite a bit with the addition of these cuties! 

Til next time....stay safe and happy!  


  1. Aw, I just love baby chicks! They are so cute with their little peeps.

  2. Good morning Penny,
    I love your daughter's farm/ranch. All the animals are so much fun. What a great idea for a hatchery, an chest freezer. I bet it is hard for you to leave and go back home each time. Glad your grandkids are having that great experience of farm life.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. I can remember all the summertime visits to farms of relatives in MO. I even wrote a poem on it.

  4. How Fun! Love the little goats, chicks and ducks, just makes me smile big. Thanks Penny.

  5. All those little babies are so cute! They certainly contribute to the fun even with all the hard work. Thanks for sharing!


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