Monday, October 24, 2022

Redesigning How I Store my Christmas Decorations

  Years ago.   H carved me out a Christmas room at the back of the studio using old doors.    He made it 4 doors long by 3 doors wide which made it about a 9 x 12....just about the size of a She      I  used my room to store our Christmas decor which was packed in totes and stacked clear to the ceiling.    I've always dreaded this time of year and the sometimes over whelming  task of getting what I needed out of each tote,     Isn't what you're looking for always at the bottom of the stack ??????


This is the 4 door wall that separates the Christmas room from my studio.     The 2 doors on this end of this wall have glass in them but who wants to look at the back of totes stacked clear to the ceiling     I put curtains over the windows to solve my problem and this is how the wall has looked for years.....

Until now.....
 I took the curtains down and am determined to keep my Christmas room more organized and user friendly from now on. 
  If you look thru the windows,    you can get a peek at how my Christmas room is progressing.      H is making me shelves so I can take a lot of my Christmas decor out of totes and put it on the shelves.    So instead of handling so many totes,   I can just shop from the shelves in my new and improved Christmas room
While H is handling the construcion part of the makeover,    I am going thru totes.   I have way too much Christmas decor,   so I will be purging.....organizing.....sending some of it to the auction....and will donate some of it.

I am only keeping things that have sentimental value or that I really really love.... 

I am keeping the houses you see here ,    the Victorian set that belonged to my Mother,   and the set that I hand painted pink and blinged up..... 

All the houses in my post came from yard sales.    You can find them really cheap there if you shop for them during the summer  

My post is very picture heavy,   so I'm going to just let you take the tour without a lot of chitter chatter from me.....



I have lots of changes in the studio to share with you guys over the next few weeks....

I've changed the slip covers and changed the decor on my flower storage tree.....

I am in hopes of finishing this project by Thanksgiving so I can begin decorating our home for Christmas.....wish me luck! 



  1. Oh my goodness I wish I had a wonderful place like you have. I have been looking for something for years. Lol

  2. I love the idea of having a lot of the decor out to where you can find it and reach it easily. And what a better time then when you are reorganizing to go ahead and decide what should be donated or sold.

  3. I always love seeing your treasures; how nice to have it readily accessible. It is a shame we tend to only enjoy our treasures a month out of the year!


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