Tuesday, January 3, 2023

My After Christmas Kitchen Decor

Valentines Day is coming up and I had that in the back of my mind when I decorated my kitchen after Christmas this year.

I plan to use the theme "I'll love you til the cows come home" in my Valentine kitchen for 2023. 

I have several pieces of Valentine decor from years past that is in a "love you til the cows com home' theme and it  will be quick and  easy to tuck it into the existing kitchen vignettes.

Let's take a look at the design I created for the kitchen counter on the left side of the sink.....


Now let's look at the kitchen counter on the right side of the sink....... 


And next up on the tour is the stove top......

The picture with the cow wearing a chef hat  brings a smile to my face.....


And last but not least is the design I created for this corner of the kitchen counter.

I left the existing undecorated Christmas tree in the big kitchen window until I decide if I want to decorate it for Valentines Day or not.....

I've decorated my share of Valentine tree's in my day,   but the tree's have always been pink.    I don't know how I feel about decorating this green flocked one yet....what do you think I should do.......decorate or not?     Or....replace it with a pink tree!



  1. Hi, Penny! Your Valentine theme is so wonderful! I was super inspired by your creativity. I would love to invite you to link up your project at Whimsy Home Wednesdays to inspire others and have a chance to be featured! The link is https://fifthsparrownomore.com/whimsy-home-wednesday-blog-link-party-no-11/

  2. What a lovely winter kitchen!!

  3. Love the "I herd that" towel! Is it still available somewhere?

  4. I love it. I need to work on a plan for after the Christmas stuff comes down because everything seems so stark and naked. Featuring your inspiration when my party opens.


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