Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Valentine Dining Room Decor , Pocket Pillow, and Snow

We don't get  a lot of  snow here in Eastern New Mexico,   but yesterday we got over 8 inches of much needed moisture.......    

I used my " snow day"  to create a Valentine vignette in the corner of our family dining room and make a pocket pillow to put on a deconstructed sofa

I started my Valentine corner by placing a Boston Terrier holding a sweet Valentine sign on the side table..... 

Then,   I added a wooden sign board with a Cupids Sweet Heart Cafe print on it 

To complete my vignette,   I created a floral design.       I tucked paper print ice cream cone flower bouquets to add a touch of Valentine decor to my creation.

I added a few more touches of Valentine decor to the corner.....

I clipped a February calendar to the wire frame....

I also made a Boston Terrier  Valentine to glue onto the calendar.

Now to take a look at the pocket pillow... 

It was a super easy project.....I just tacked a square doily to my pillow.....

Then I filled my pocket with a couple of sweet Valentines....

If you look out the window,   you will see that the ground is white with snow....

This is a photo of the back yard that I took on the sunroom porch.....

And here is how the front porch looked.....

I can't wait for Spring to arrive and be able to enjoy the porch again!!! 


  1. Oh, my---I guess that 'snow' stuff is coming our way....lovely to see your yard all blanketed in white. The plants need the moisture, so enjoy. Loving your pink touches, though I dislike pink! LOL, Sandi

  2. I love when the snow falls and provides a blank slate for us. Thank you for sharing your Valentine Decor! You always have such lovely shabby chic pieces in and around your home. I'd love to have that piece on your front porch!

  3. Penny,
    Wow, that's a lot of snow. Your Boston terrier is so precious. Congratulations, you are being featured on TFT. I hope you stop by.

  4. Your pocket pillow is gorgeous, Penny, love that beautiful pink vintage doily. so so pretty!!

  5. Very pretty Penny. I do love your pocket pillow. Such pretty Valentine decor. I am happy to feature your sweet post at Love Your Creativity.

  6. Oh, my, Penny! All that snow!! I love your post with all the Valentine ideas!! I know you already know but I was happy to feature your post at last week's Share Your Style #376 for you. I love the envelope pillow!

    Thank you for always coming over to link up. <3

    Happy almost Valentine's Day,
    Barb :)


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