Sunday, May 21, 2023

A Peek into the Greenhouse


 In the spring the greenhouse is used to store plants  waiting for it to warm up enough for them to permanently move outside.    In the winter,    the greenhouse is used to store back yard decor.     But,   in the summer and fall the greenhouse is used as a quiet place for me to relax and enjoy reading a good book.      

My garden chair is waiting patiently in the greenhouse until I decide where to place it in the yard for the summer.    

I also store the faux flowers that I sometimes use to fill in a blank space in one of my flower beds.

If we are expecting a storm,    I bring my ferns and other hanging baskets into the greenhouse for safe keeping until the storm has passed.

The signs you see leaned up against the milk crates are ones I am not using now.....

I used to pot a lot of my garden flowers myself,   but now I just get them at the garden center 

I used to use this long table as a potting bench,   but now I just decorate on it.....

 I mix live plants with faux flowers all the time and love the look.....

Here is one of the places that the hanging baskets hang out during the day...... 

And here is where they stay on cool spring nights and periods of stormy summer weather....

I hope you enjoyed a peek into the greenhouse!  



  1. I did indeed enjoy a peek in the greenhouse - very pretty!!

  2. Goodness Penny, you really changed this up this year. I love the airy furniture...and who wouldn't want a place to read! Sandi

  3. Wow. So beautiful and welcoming. I'd love to sit in there! I love greenhouses and wish I had one. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from Wonderful Wednesday blog hop.

  4. I enjoy mixing faux and real flowers together when I can too. I always enjoy looking at your yard for inspiration. My yard desperately needs your help! ;)

  5. Such a sweet outdoor spot Penny! I’m excited to tell you that this post will be featured in Tuesday Turn About Link Party this week! Thanks so much for linking up and we hope to see you this week! Pinned 😊


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