Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Cleaning out a Catch All Corner in our Yard

      When weather is projected to be mild all day,   it makes it much easier to bite off a day long project that you have been dreading for a long time!


The doors that block off the side yard of the studio and the junk yard that has developed in the area behind the studio had become so worn out that they really needed to be replaced.   Look how bad the door on the right looks,   we could hardly get it open anymore!    The door on the left had become a catch all corner that had stuff stacked clear to the ceiling    No before pics of that for sure!

H took the 2 doors down and that opened up a cozy little area for us to enjoy.


This corner was completely full of stuff that we didn't know what to do with!     We quickly figured out that the best solution to that problem was to take some of  it to the trash and give almost all of the rest of it away.     We kept very little of what was stacked in that corner. 

Buried under all of that clutter was the trumpet vine that has been there for years and years.   I just love how the "trunk" is exposed now and can't stop looking at it!

I hung a plant above the fence that kind of blocks out the view of the alley.....

It's a small area so I kept the decorations to a minimum to give it a simple uncluttered look

These doors make the west wall of the Prayer Room,     The entire room is made from old doors that H and I have collected over the years.     I designed the room and H brought it to life! 

These windows had not seen daylight in years because of all the stuff stacked in front of them.

I love the natural light that is coming into the Sanctuary now..... 

Now,    for a look at another thing that was hiding behind those 2 doors.     There is a long walkway down the side of the studio that takes you to  a good sized junk yard that is completely out of control.......I see another all day project in our future!



  1. Looks great - love that vine! Doesn't it feel good to have it done! Cheers!

  2. I am in LOVE with all of your doors Penny. I had once thought about creating a fence of doors to separate our yard from our neighbors, but we ended up with a boring old fence instead. I would love to have your porch, and sanctuary, and all of the above actually. I can imagine how calming it must be and just enjoy from day to day.

  3. Your little corner with the trumpet vine is lovely and so tranquil. Love all your doors and windows you have collected. I really like your sanctuary space idea.

  4. Lovely area with the trumpet vine, so calming and tranquil.

  5. Such a huge and great job you have done. Love the fact that you kept all those old lovely vines as its a showpiece in itself.
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    See my entries: 36+37 and then navigate to the bottom of my page for the Senior Salon Pit Stop linkup, we hope to meet you there virtually.

  6. Adore this area. Thanks for posting at Funtastic Friday.


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