Wednesday, August 2, 2023

And So, they built a life they loved

And so,   they built a life they loved

H & I both come from a long line of dairy farmers.   
 My parents and grandparents farmed in New Mexico and his family farmed in New York.    We met over 40 years ago,  married,  and built a life that we love here in  New Mexico.

Although we live in the city .....our hearts still belong on the farm  

As a child,   I lived on my Granny and Papa's farm in a home right next to the bigger home they lived in       My Nanny and Grandad lived up the road about a mile.

     I was really spoiled living so close to two sets of grandparents      When I was barely 2.   I was out feeding chickens with Granny one morning and about the third time she told me to go feed the kittens,    I looked at her and said "you mentioned it do it"      I can still hear her telling that story over and over to anyone that would listen!

Our daughter brought us back the sign I have hung above the chesser when she returned from a trip to Waco,  Texas

Take time to smell the Roses,,,,,,,,,

My little sign reminds me every morning as I leave the bedroom to do that!

Over the years,  I've decorated different ways under the sign.  

My favorite way to decorate the top of the chesser is to use our wedding picture...... and on the left is my mom and dad's wedding photo.....and my bride and groom nutcrackers are on the

I am creating a early fall farmhouse vibe in the bedroom using roses and sunflowers!



  1. I love this Penny, and that quilt is amazing. You told Granny, huh? hilarious!

  2. I love that saying Penny, I like to think we are building a life we love here too. My husband's family had a dairy farm, he talks about it often. He also tells me I would never eat cottage cheese if I saw it made. Good thing I do not need to see it made, lol! I love seeing bridal photos over the years, and seeing how the styles change. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I think these are some of my favorite photos of your home, Penny. I love those farm arrangements, too.

  4. I loved reading "your story." It was like a slide show. Enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing! Have a nice weekend! :)


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