Thursday, August 17, 2023

Fall-ish Decor in the Entry

It's hard to get inspired to decorate for fall when it's triple digit heat outside!

 So,  I decided to decorate the entry with some fall-ish!

Does County Fair decor count as Fall-ish?

Our county fair is going on this week and the state fair will be here that was the inspiration for my fall entry.   

  I took the opportunity to use some of my vintage fair ribbons in my decor....

My Dil changed her kitchen decor a couple of years ago and she gave me the roosters that didn't fit in anymore.      They don't really fit in with my pink and white decor,  but I am able to use them in the fall when my colors are a little brighter.

The Roosters also gave me a chance to use my collection of vintage fair ribbons too!

My fair theme in the entry also gave me a chance to use my County Fair pillow cover and design some fair artwork to hang on the wall

I have about a 100 ribbons in my collection....I need to thin it down!

I framed a paper print fair picture to put on the side table....

It's hard to find fair artwork  in the colors I like,   but somehow I managed to find some! 

I hope you enjoyed seeing my "unusual' fall decor .....see you back soon with some "real" fall!



  1. what a great place to visit fixed up so nicely

  2. I couldn't agree more. It is definitely hard to get inspired for fall when it's triple digit temperatures outside. Yikes! I love county fair motif to your decor. It's so charming. Thank you for sharing this post on the Home Imagined Link Party.


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