Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Setting the Mood for an Early Spring

I've been suffering from a really bad case of the winter "blue's"!  

It may be winter outside,   but there's no reason it can't be spring inside.... 

So,   I'm on a mission to set an early spring mood inside.....

Flowers are the first thing that comes to my mind when I start to decorate for spring....or PRE spring as I call it!

Lots of flowers.....


Baby chicks make me think of spring.....

Doesn't this print just scream spring?

I may have to drive home from work in the snow,   but once I get's SPRING!


1 comment:

  1. All our snow disappeared in Chicagoland, and left behind that dank dreary grayblackbrown of dead earth. YUCK! Your home is always cheery and lovely, even though we won't get Spring for a long time! Hugs, Sandi


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