Thursday, May 16, 2024

Summer Porch, Side Yard, and Rose Garden

I've kept an area rug on the back porch for years thinking that I needed it to give the porch a "cozy" feel.   Does anyone else think that having a rug outdoors is way too much work?    Instead of vacuuming several  times a week.    H just takes the leaf blower out and cleans off the porch in a matter of minutes!  

Our porch will just have to find a way to look "cozy" without a!

Now for a peek at the little side yard that is squeezed in between the porch and the fence.
The walkway is only about 5 feet wide and the length of the porch,    The walkway is shaded by trees all the time and the vine covered fence makes me feel like I am in a secret garden....

You may remember the water trough that I used as a buffet in the sunroom for several years......well,   this is where it landed ......I have plans for it here in the walkway.....and can't wait to show you!

My rose garden is in full bloom.....

I cut a big bouquet of roses and the back porch smells wonderful!

We can even smell the roses clear into the sunroom......I love summer, don't you?


  1. No need for a rug and I can't wait to see the finished walk way. Have a fabulous weekend!!

  2. What a lovely spot you've created! A gorgeous outdoor room! #HappyNow

  3. How does all that fair in the rain. I love your cozy spot. I would love to do something like this at my home, but it rains a lot here and the sun is really hot.


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