Thursday, August 18, 2016

Shabby Chic Vintage Fair Trophies

The County Fair is in full swing here in Eastern New Mexico and the State Fair will begin in a few weeks.  Just for fun,   I wanted to add a few Fair touches to the existing decor in the kitchen.     I had picked up some vintage trophies at yard sales this summer wanted to use them in  my vignettes.     The trophy in the photo above is an Oklahoma three chicken derby trophy...whatever that!

2001 Grand Champion Gelding

This is how the trophies looked before I  gave them their shabby makeover.....

Here's my County Livestock Barn vignette.......

The trophy above is a 2000 Open Junior Horse Show award.....

I added a pink ribbon to my vignette.....

This side of the kitchen is for the County Fair roosters and chickens.

The ribbons and trophies can be easily removed from the vignettes when the Fairs are over.....

My roses won blue!

I haven't decorated for the Fair in years past,  but I am really enjoying my County Fair Kitchen decor and will probably decorate this way in years to come.

If you missed the Fair vignettes on the other kitchen here to be directed to that post....

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  1. I love all the little extra touches you add to your found treasures to give them that shabby chic Penny look! Everything is so cute. Love how you transformed the trophies with just a bit of fabric or maybe it's paper but either way they look great.

  2. Penny,
    Your transformation of those trophies is simply amazing!! I never would have thought of it in a million years!! I have been busy giving the house a "good" cleaning. Since I am stuck in the house because of heat and awful humidity ( close to what the tropics have according to the weather guys), I figure it is an opportunity to do some serious cleaning before I start to decorate for Fall. I am SO looking forward to Fall!!

  3. Hi Penny, you have really been busy. I love the added touches for your fair theme, so fun! I love your posts, I really am trying hard to decorate cottage and you give so many awesome ideas, have a wonderful weekend! Hugs

  4. You always find such great treasures, those vintage fair trophies are so adorable! I'd love to go to a Country Fair!

  5. Decorating for the fair is a darling idea. I love it. I loved shopping in Lubbock.

  6. I love the revamped trophies Penny! I found a box full of horse trophies a few years ago at a friends home and used the tops in bales of hay for my Kentucky Derby tablescape. I think a have a few full trophies left over and will cover for my Derby decorations next year. Thanks for sharing the fabulous idea!


  7. with what you put together I would have never saw those trophies and thought to make them over but what you made came out so pretty. Love it!

  8. Very creative! I would have passed right over these. Great idea and they turned out just darling!

  9. Such a neat idea! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  10. Such a lovely idea! I especially love how those trophies look after your makeover!

    Thanks so much for sharing over at #FridayFrivolity :)


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