Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Fall Greenhouse

About 6 weeks ago a big tree limb broke off and fell right on the top of the greenhouse.

Somehow the greenhouse didn't sustain much damage,   but it has taken a while to get things back to normal.

6 weeks ago..........................................................................Today

I like to use containers for my flowers,   so I was able to "borrow" a few pots to fill in the flower bed in front of the greenhouse.    Almost all of the plants in this bed were destroyed by the tree limb.

I have several big ferns that will go into the greenhouse when it gets a little cooler or we are expecting a freeze.

But for now,   I'm just enjoying the ferns hung around the yard.    Look over to the right side of the photo and you will see where the branch broke off of the tree.   I don't know if the tree will make it or not....guess we'll see next spring.

You can barely see it,  but there is a vintage iron bench under all that stuff.     Our grandson just bought a home,  and the previous owners left this bench in the storage shed,  along with a lot of other stuff.   Aaron didn't want it,  and I told him I would love to have it,  so he gave it to me.

We don't have much fall color here in Eastern New Mexico yet,   the tree's are just starting to turn.   

I scattered a few pumpkins in the flower bed .......

Our neighbor across the alley has a tree with lots of fall color,  but none of ours have turned yet.

Some of the leaves are turning yellow,  and a few branhes on the oak tree have some orange on them

It's such a pretty morning......

H and I decided to have breakfast outdoors.......

I love to serve breakfast on these cheery plates.....

It's a great way to start the day!

The yellow tuff shed that you see in the right side background is where all my fall decor is stored.    I used to have Christmas decor in there,   but we moved those totes to the studio where the fall used to be  .   It's too cold to be in the shed in December,  and the studio is heated.

All of the metal yard decor is stored in the greenhouse over the winter......


Happy Fall Ya'll!


  1. Wow. That could have been terrible. I'm glad your green house didn't sustain any damage.
    I love that your grandson gave you the bench. I'm sure it has a good home with you.

  2. OMG! is this a green house!! OMG.. it looks like a beautiful cottage.. love it..

  3. Do you give tours of your yard and your home? I would love to see it all.

  4. What a lovely space to sit and relax! So glad there wasn't damage to that beautiful greenhouse!!

  5. What a lovely place Penny. I bet you spend many hours back there. Love your sheep.

  6. This is a fairy and very sweet place
    Hugs Alessandra

  7. I have always wanted a greenhouse. I feel that it is so important where I live as the racoons steal the food I grow.

  8. Penny,
    So glad that your beautiful greenhouse did not sustain any damage. Those ferns are amazing!! Your yard always looks so charming....

  9. Penny, glad your beautiful greenhouse was safe. I know you love this added space. It's gorgeous!

  10. So glad your greenhouse made it! What a lovely space you have :)

  11. You have such a pretty greenhouse, so glad there wasn't any damage. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  12. Happy that the tree didn't damage your beautiful greenhouse. Your yard looks like such a cozy place to hang out and spend the day outdoors.

  13. So glad no one was hurt and you had minimal loss well I guess you did lose plants but the greenhouse wasn't crushed! thanks for linking up!


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